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Old 09-02-2009, 02:55 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 106

Originally Posted by narciss+ View Post
Hi nilbog, I look forward to your server! There are many people I've seen who say they are dying to play a classic server, as am I.

Remember your goal and do not stray from it! Things like soulbinders and npc porters work against what EQ was all about, teamwork! Every incentive provided by EQ to interact with other players is what made it so great. Some people will argue up and down all sorts of different reasons why these incentives should be replaced, but for every one of them that are replaced the game will suffer that much more. They are the ones responsible for EQ's murder!

Look at live EQ, and how the only people who play it now are those who play by themselves with bots and boxes. The game does not have soul anymore, because there is no more teamwork and camaraderie, just another 3D game.

Everyone who played back then would agree that EQ was more than a game, the world was alive, the game was living. The game was killed by these changes. Sony had no concept of the vision, the best they could have done is just leave it alone and keep the servers up.

But EQ lives on in the hearts of those of us who remember it for what is really was! If you make a classic server keep it as genuine as possible, and EQ will live again!
You really have no idea what you're talking about.

Please tell me how a small change (NPC porters) that will promote grouping and player interaction will somehow kill grouping and player interaction. Please tell me how the world will feel alive if the only way to find another player is to travel for an hour just to find them.

Seriously, how many times does it need to be repeated? EQ is not EQ if the server population is 1/20th - 1/100th of what it should be. No amount of nostalgia laden bullshit will change that fact.
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