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Old 11-18-2004, 07:20 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 38

Gah. Never going to get this stuff to work. I dont know how you guys have the patience.

Basically, all im trying to do is make a server that only I can get into. I am trying to learn the basic how-to's in programming the database stuff, implementing AI/pathing/quests blah blah.

I know how to spawn mobs now, but i dont know how to keep them on a steady timed spawn cycle. I dont know how to make them wander around (I follow the guide instructons but I get an error) and I dont know how to make them cast spells and such.

For example..

Last night I was trying to spawn a version of Quarm. I figured it would be nice to get him in there since folks wanna fight im and someone told me you cant spawn quarm in emu representing live-like since he is spawned via trials or whatever. So I figure why not put him on a normal cycle then for gameplay purposes?
I drop him in there, and at a level 75 status he hits kinda weak by himself, and slow at that. What I want to happen is he cast some kinda berseker strength and haste on himself so he is more challenging, and it would be nice if I can set him up with his (so I hear) 8 AE's.

Another problem with said spawn, is that everytimemore than 2 players engage him, the zone shuts down. I was only testing the difficulty level of him vs. a grp of 5 (cheating of course, they need a challenge too!)

I didnt want to make him a permanent spawn because I have no clue how to erase him in the case I dont want him there anymore, so I didnt use #npcspawn create/add

Everytime the zone shutdown, I had to respawn him, as well as any other spawns.

Now, getting to the point..

1) I would like to make XXmob_00 con ready to attack to any passersby
2) XXmob_00 needs to be able to buff themselves to make them more difficult
3) I would also like to know how to make them say.. dodge more, or mitigate attacks.
4) Once engaged, XXmob_00 needs to cast AEs/DD at certain intervals
5) and set up a normal spawn time for the mob =)

These are probably simple problems but I had spent all night last night trying to figure it out to no avail, on top of trying to get my test server going so I can do all my "theories" therein.

I am sure I will get the hang of it soon, i am a fast learner. I appreciate you guys putting up with me =D
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