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Old 01-03-2009, 07:44 PM
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,175

SimpleClient has been released!
This is a full release, not an incremental one. See the top post for the download link.

Release Notes

1. Several zones have seen updates, with The Namtarn receiving the most attention.

2. All zones have mobs suitable for hunting, most with loot, as well as pathing.

3. Mobs that can cast spells will.

4. Over a hundred new spells. Most are similar to live, with a few changes. All names and icons are of course different, so you'll have to do some experimenting. There are new spell icons to accompany them.

5. There are GM's for every class (except maybe Beastlord).

6. There are three playable races (male or female):

- Human
- Wood elf
- Dark elf

All others will appear as the human model as I haven't made models for them yet.

7. There are several viable casting classes:

- Cleric (the most developed)
- Wizard
- Necromancer
- Druid
- Enchanter (not as good as the others)

There are also spells for other classes where there is overlap, but bear in mind that the only pet spells included are for necro pets. There is no other pet model yet.

8. There are spell vendors for all classes except Paladin, Shaman, and Beastlord.

9. There are a few magic items to be had, if you can take them from the right mobs.

10. There are a couple of named mobs.

11. There are six zones:

- Windcatcher's zone (everyone starts here for now)
- Peshara highlands
- Lelembeth
- Canyons of Gur
- Veldona
- The namtarn

You can hunt in all of them, but you will find yourselves spending the most time in Windcatcher's zone and Lelembeth. There is a LOT to do in Lelembeth, and there is room for more. As much as in that zone, it's still underutilized.

12. All content files (that is, the .XWA files) have been re-exported such that every mob model is in its own .XWA file, and all zones use the force-loading mechanism to include mobs. This will make it easy to add or change mobs in zones in the future.

13. There are two mob models not used by the DB, the mind flayer and the hook horror. I'm saving those for an underground zone I'm planning.

14. The correct version of MySQL is included.

15. My full 0.5.5 database dump is included.

16. Resurrection support is included, but untested.

17. There are new mob models since the last version:

- Human female (player model)
- Lizardman (alternate leg)
- Wolf
- Bear

There's a lot of new stuff here, and there is definitely enough to start a server out of the box. That said, I could really use some help. GeorgeS has supplied me with lots of models, but I could also use help with other areas:

- Padding out the DB with more content: loot, mobs, you name it.
- Quests
- Ambient zone sounds
- Mob combat sounds
- More mob models
- Testing, testing, testing! As far as I can tell, NO ONE is using the client, and that's a real shame.
- And the big enchilada, help with the 0.7.0 netcode. Serious, detailed documentation would be a good start, since I haven't really been able to make heads or tails of the code. I'd love to ditch this old server and move up to 0.7.0.

Happy New Year,

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