Thread: My Dream Server
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Old 07-11-2020, 08:24 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2019
Location: Down Under
Posts: 2
Default My Dream Server

Hello fellow EverCrack nerds,

I played EQ from vanilla to PoP and my favourite server was the Sullon Zek server.

I would love to host a server, even if only a small group of friends and I play on it. I wouldn't care, as long as it existed.
My dream server would have the Sullon Zek ruleset and only include the expansions up until Shadows of Luclin.

I've tried to wrap my head around setting up a server before and it's just too much for me.. When it comes to computers, I just play games.. I don't know anything about anything.
Is it possible for me to create this server of my dreams, and if so, is there any easy/short-cut way to do it? Maybe some program someone's already made where I can just toggle things on and off and fiddle with stuff?

Thanks for reading. Didn't know who else to turn to. It really is a dream of mine and I'd be willing to devote many years to running this thing, if only I knew how to actually make it exist.
( - Here are the old rulesets in case anyone was having trouble remembering. Sullon Zek is down the bottom.
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