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Old 08-28-2014, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by noudess View Post
I'm still learning about the code base, so I tried to change as little as I could

When you say to use the eqstr_us.txt versions, is there a mechanism for that or are you just saying to go find those strings and put them into the code like the ones that were there (I didn't pick then strings, I used what was in the code already).

Do you want me to followup with guidance and resubmit, or am I stealing what you clean up?

Thank you.
If you could follow up yourself that'd probably do me a favor and you'd learn something in the process.

Take a look at zone/string_ids.h and the function Message_StringID. Each parameter is passed in the formatted message packet.

So when you have something like,

1159 I don't have anything to do with %B3(13)..move along.
It references a file in the client, eqstr_us.txt - 1159 is the ID in the header, and the parameters that are in the function are directly taken from the packet.

So, instead of constructing a string, you can simply do something like this:

Message_StringID(MT_WornOff, SPELL_WORN_OFF_OF,
				spells[buffs[slot].spellid].name, GetCleanName());
which is an example of a spell <name> wearing off of a mob object with <name>

SPELL_WORN_OFF_OF is ID 436 in the eqstr_us.txt file, and looks like this for the data: Your %1 spell has worn off of %2.

%1 is a variable length null terminated parameter, as is %2, and these are filled in by the server.

Hopefully that explains a bit more in detail of what exactly to do.

Also, there's tons of areas in the code like this that are missing. General rule of thumb is check if it exists in eqstr_us.txt in some form, if not, do it manually like you were doing.

Note you cannot add entries to this file - we're using the stock version of it that is included with the box set or steam download. So it must exist there, and if it's missing from one client, you should probably go ahead and do it manually.

The reason behind this file was so SOE could conserve bytes on the wire in 1999. Still, it's good practice even in 2014 to do something like this and that's why I recommend it.
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