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Old 08-29-2014, 12:02 PM
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Upstate NY
Posts: 274

Ok, this is what I learned after coding it up as you said.

1) The changes work just fine for when my char is rejected for deeds or non-std race.

2) The other messages (those that take the B3(13) are CLASS or B3(12) are RACE hard codes on client already. Thus the parameter (not sure exactly what to send) has to be a race/class indicator of some sort. Right now, sending race or class codes, or race of class plural strings yields NOCLASSERS and NORACE.

The reason I decided to fix this to begin with was that on my server there is a bard that was clearly being rejected on the server due to his deity (Bristlebane) but the code ended up making a half elf vendor say he wanted nothing to do with half elves.

I don't see any messages that support the use of the deity's name.

This leaves me with a couple of options.
  • Use some of the non-argument messages for deity rejection.
  • Go back to not using the standard messages and have them say what I want.

I'm giving it some thought. I like that I learned the correct way, and I've learned that those messages on the cleint side are hard coded to race/class messages.
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