Thread: New Linux User
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Old 05-25-2007, 12:59 PM
techguy84's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Somewhere Safe
Posts: 453

Well, I looked into other distro's but for me, I am coming from Windows and I dont want to mess with the command line a whole heck of a lot as I am not even the slightest fimilar at the moment with it. I am learning, that is for sure, but its a big change from the streamlined things in Windows.

Examples = I could list a ton, but any New or expierence use knows what I am talking about. The simple matter is that until linux has a good crowed and its worthwile for companies, its still rough for the basic end user.

The fact that 99% of the time you must compile your own programs because of how varied out all the different linux distros are. With Windows, the API has pretty much been the same for the past 3 iterations of windows so there is a lot of cross compatibilty. With linux, no one distro is the same and you must install dependencies right and left to make apps compile, and then function properly.

If there was a set guideline to each distrobution that would create rules for what should be automattically installed, it would be eaiser for the end user, but then there would be tons of bloated linux installs and then other people would suffer.

Anyhow, I could be entirely wrong, but I got Beryl going finally without errors, but I am back on windows for the time being since I cant get a snes emulator to compile so I can play me some Zelda,,,, Sigh.
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