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Old 08-09-2019, 05:40 PM
Huppy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,333

You would have to run an sql query within your database to manually insert those tables. You could copy and paste the following BUT FIRST, edit the text highlighted in yellow, for usernames, passwords, server long name, shortname, etc. (some of these values have to match what is in your server config file as well)
I use Navicat (premium) to access my database, do editing and run queries. I have no idea what others are commonly using.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS loginserver_server_accounts;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS loginserver_server_accounts (
  LoginServerID integer unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  AccountName varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  AccountPassword varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  AccountCreateDate timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
  AccountEmail varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  LastLoginDate datetime NOT NULL,
  LastIPAddress varchar(15) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (LoginServerID, AccountName)

insert into loginserver_server_accounts (AccountName, AccountPassword, AccountEmail, LastLoginDate, LastIPAddress) values('Admin', sha('password'), '', now(), '');

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS loginserver_server_list_type;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS loginserver_server_list_type (
	ServerListTypeID integer unsigned NOT NULL,
	ServerListTypeDescription varchar(20) NOT NULL,
	PRIMARY KEY (ServerListTypeID)

INSERT INTO loginserver_server_list_type (ServerListTypeID, ServerListTypeDescription) VALUES (1, 'Legends');
INSERT INTO loginserver_server_list_type (ServerListTypeID, ServerListTypeDescription) VALUES (2, 'Preferred');
INSERT INTO loginserver_server_list_type (ServerListTypeID, ServerListTypeDescription) VALUES (3, 'Standard');

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS loginserver_server_admin_registration;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS loginserver_server_admin_registration (
	ServerAdminID integer unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
	AccountName varchar(30) NOT NULL,
	AccountPassword varchar(30) NOT NULL,
	FirstName varchar(40) NOT NULL,
	LastName varchar(50) NOT NULL,
	Email varchar(100) NULL,
	RegistrationDate datetime NOT NULL,
	RegistrationIPAddr varchar(15) NOT NULL,
	PRIMARY KEY (ServerAdminID, Email)

INSERT INTO loginserver_server_admin_registration (AccountName, AccountPassword, FirstName, LastName, Email, RegistrationDate, RegistrationIPAddr) VALUES ('Admin', 'Password', 'Tom', 'Wilson', '', now(), '');

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS loginserver_world_server_registration;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS loginserver_world_server_registration (
  ServerID integer unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  ServerLongName varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  ServerTagDescription varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  ServerShortName varchar(25) NOT NULL,
  ServerListTypeID integer NOT NULL,
  ServerLastLoginDate datetime NULL,
  ServerLastIPAddr varchar(15) NULL,
  ServerAdminID integer NOT NULL,
  ServerTrusted integer NOT NULL,
  Note varchar(300) NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (ServerID, ServerLongName)

INSERT INTO loginserver_world_server_registration (ServerLongName, ServerTagDescription, ServerShortName, ServerListTypeID, ServerLastLoginDate, ServerLastIPAddr, ServerAdminID, ServerTrusted, Note) VALUES ('Server Long Name', 'A test server', 'servershortname', 1, now(), '', 1, 0, 'This is a note for the test server');
Hanging out at Antonica.World
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