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Old 02-04-2017, 03:48 PM
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 59
Default Where is database

I don't think my database is being installed in the correct directory. After starting the start batch, it shows World: UP Zones (counts from 1 to 30) then shows World: Down. This repeats infinitely and the server never appears on the server select. Additionally I cannot find hte DB in HeidiSQL
What is the default install directory for the database?

Edit: It seems everything located at fails to find the path specified and does not install, which looks like is pretty much the entire database
Edit2: I was able to find the database from the manual installation and get it installed, Now when i try to load the server, world.exe spams Missing update XXXX Cannot find path to file specified over and over for many different files. This evenually ceases and server appears on server select however always CTD when trying to enter the world.

Last edited by typenamehere; 02-04-2017 at 05:13 PM.. Reason: update
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