Thread: EQemu Servers
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Old 10-09-2004, 09:05 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 72

i just went from DR1 to DR2 and am having problems with my ISP granting me rights to gamehost atm.
Good news is, I can get it runnign to the point where i can log in but collecting from the client to my server is an important part of running the server.
TimeWarner Cable is comeing out with a new cable access package thats a bit pricy but not at all out of the avereage speed whores budget. While I hold out for the new service im working on editing the database. I have to find a way to get the items to randomize, otherwise the database will be insanely huge (over 5million custom items) if i can get a "prefix" being the style/quality of the item, "model", the standard item set, and the "sufix" unique holder.
prefix-model- sufix
Coroded-Breastplate-of Vindication
Polished-Breastplate-of Vindication
Double Edged-shortsword-of Seru
as you can see if i have 250 prefixes in the database, there would be at least 250 item entries for each unique mob. I need a way for the database to only include the 250 prefixes and pick one prefix to add to the model the named mob is holding/wearing.
prefixes will contain minor statistical info
models will contain the class/race/diety information
sufix will contain lore/magic/nodrop status as well as the unique item lore, for example (skill mods, focus effects, and added stats the would relate to the race/class of the creature)
during creation some changes will happen to what classes wear what.
Clerics:Cloth (no plate or chain) huge d&d violation, but its my world
Shamans: Leather (no plate or chain) shammys in plate, pfft?
Bards: Cloth/Leather (no plate or chain) when you can play the acordian running 30 miles an hour wearing all plate i will reconsider this decision.

As far as an ETA, play around with other servers for a bit, get some ideas, and catch me on the boards. It will be awhile, me and my gf have to get a place with access to the new services when they come out.
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