Thread: Update
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Old 05-05-2010, 10:15 PM
trevius's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Posts: 5,946

I am working on Live still and am now able to get to character select as of last night. I am hoping to make it in-game tonight if it isn't too much trouble. Once I get in-game, it should be easy for me to update all opcodes in the patch_Live.conf file to be 95%+ accurate pretty quickly.

Either way, I went through and updated the PP as best as I can to prepare for my attempts of getting in-game later. Here is how I have it set currently:

// Live May 5 2010 - Size 25312
struct PlayerProfile_Struct
/*00000*/ uint32  checksum;				//
//BEGIN SUB-STRUCT used for shrouding stuff...
/*00004*/ uint32  gender;				// Player Gender - 0 Male, 1 Female
/*00008*/ uint32  race;					// Player race
/*00012*/ uint32  class_;				// Player class
/*00016*/ uint8  unknown00016[40];		// #### uint32  unknown00016;   in Titanium ####uint8[40]
/*00056*/ uint8   level;				// Level of player
/*00057*/ uint8   level1;				// Level of player (again?)
/*00058*/ uint8   unknown00022[2];		// ***Placeholder
/*00060*/ BindStruct binds[5];			// Bind points (primary is first)
/*00160*/ uint32  deity;				// deity
/*00164*/ uint32  intoxication;			// Alcohol level (in ticks till sober?)
/*00168*/ uint32  spellSlotRefresh[MAX_PP_MEMSPELL]; // Refresh time (millis) - 4 Octets Each
/*00208*/ uint8   unknown00218[14];		// Seen 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01
/*00222*/ uint32  abilitySlotRefresh;
/*00226*/ uint8   haircolor;			// Player hair color
/*00227*/ uint8   beardcolor;			// Player beard color
/*00228*/ uint8   eyecolor1;			// Player left eye color
/*00229*/ uint8   eyecolor2;			// Player right eye color
/*00230*/ uint8   hairstyle;			// Player hair style
/*00231*/ uint8   beard;				// Player beard type
/*00232*/ uint8	  unknown00236[4];		// was 14
/*00236*/ union
		/*00236*/ EquipStruct equip_helmet; // Equiptment: Helmet visual
		/*00248*/ EquipStruct equip_chest; // Equiptment: Chest visual
		/*00260*/ EquipStruct equip_arms; // Equiptment: Arms visual
		/*00272*/ EquipStruct equip_bracers; // Equiptment: Wrist visual
		/*00284*/ EquipStruct equip_hands; // Equiptment: Hands visual
		/*00296*/ EquipStruct equip_legs; // Equiptment: Legs visual
		/*00308*/ EquipStruct equip_feet; // Equiptment: Boots visual
		/*00320*/ EquipStruct equip_primary; // Equiptment: Main visual
		/*00332*/ EquipStruct equip_secondary; // Equiptment: Off visual
		} equip;
		/*00236*/ EquipStruct equipment[9]; //Live Shows [108] for this part
/*00344*/ uint8 unknown00224[168];		// Live Shows [160]
/*00512*/ Color_Struct item_tint[9];	// RR GG BB 00
/*00548*/ AA_Array  aa_array[MAX_PP_AA_ARRAY];	// [3600] AAs 12 bytes each
/*04148*/ uint32  points;				// Unspent Practice points - RELOCATED???
/*04152*/ uint32  mana;					// Current mana
/*04156*/ uint32  cur_hp;				// Current HP without +HP equipment
/*04160*/ uint32  STR;					// Strength - 6e 00 00 00 - 110
/*04164*/ uint32  STA;					// Stamina - 73 00 00 00 - 115
/*04168*/ uint32  CHA;					// Charisma - 37 00 00 00 - 55
/*04172*/ uint32  DEX;					// Dexterity - 50 00 00 00 - 80
/*04176*/ uint32  INT;					// Intelligence - 3c 00 00 00 - 60
/*04180*/ uint32  AGI;					// Agility - 5f 00 00 00 - 95
/*04184*/ uint32  WIS;					// Wisdom - 46 00 00 00 - 70
/*04188*/ uint8   unknown04172[28];		// 
/*04216*/ uint8   face;					// Player face - Actually int32?
/*04217*/ uint8   unknown02264[147];		// was [175]
/*04364*/ int32   spell_book[MAX_PP_SPELLBOOK];	// List of the Spells in spellbook 720 = 90 pages [2880] was [1920]
/*06284*/ uint8   unknown06284[960];			// Spacer for the end of the book for now (pages 60 to 90)
/*07244*/ int32   mem_spells[MAX_PP_MEMSPELL]; // List of spells memorized
/*07284*/ uint8   unknown04396[28];		//#### uint8 unknown04396[32]; in Titanium ####[28]
/*07312*/ uint32  platinum;				// Platinum Pieces on player
/*07316*/ uint32  gold;					// Gold Pieces on player
/*07320*/ uint32  silver;				// Silver Pieces on player
/*07324*/ uint32  copper;				// Copper Pieces on player
/*07328*/ uint32  platinum_cursor;		// Platinum Pieces on cursor
/*07332*/ uint32  gold_cursor;			// Gold Pieces on cursor
/*07336*/ uint32  silver_cursor;		// Silver Pieces on cursor
/*07340*/ uint32  copper_cursor;		// Copper Pieces on cursor
/*07344*/ uint32  skills[MAX_PP_SKILL];	// [300] List of skills
/*07644*/ uint8   unknown04760[236];
/*07880*/ uint32  toxicity;				// Potion Toxicity (15=too toxic, each potion adds 3)
/*07884*/ uint32  thirst_level;			// Drink (ticks till next drink)
/*07888*/ uint32  hunger_level;			// Food (ticks till next eat)
/*07892*/ SpellBuff_Struct buffs[BUFF_COUNT];	// [960] Buffs currently on the player (60 Max) - was 600
/*08492*/ uint8   unknown08492[360];		// End of Buffs
/*08852*/ Disciplines_Struct  disciplines;	// [400] Known disciplines
/*09252*/ uint8   unknown09252[400];		// Discs?
/*09652*/ uint32  recastTimers[MAX_RECAST_TYPES]; // Timers (UNIX Time of last use)
/*09732*/ uint8   unknown08124[160];		// Some type of Timers
/*09892*/ uint32  endurance;			// Current endurance
/*09896*/ uint8   unknown09896[20];		// ?
/*09916*/ uint32  aapoints_spent;		// Number of spent AA points
/*09920*/ uint32  aapoints;				// Unspent AA points
/*09924*/ uint8 unknown06160[4];
/*09928*/ Bandolier_Struct bandoliers[MAX_PLAYER_BANDOLIER]; // [6400] bandolier contents
/*16328*/ PotionBelt_Struct  potionbelt;	// [360] potion belt 72 extra octets by adding 1 more belt slot
/*16688*/ uint8 unknown12852[8];
/*16696*/ uint32 available_slots;
/*16700*/ uint8 unknown12864[80];		//#### uint8 uint8 unknown12864[76]; in Titanium ####[80]
//END SUB-STRUCT used for shrouding.
/*16780*/ char    name[64];				// Name of player
/*16844*/ char    last_name[32];		// Last name of player
/*16876*/ uint8   unknown19588[8];  //#### Not In Titanium #### new to SoF[12]
/*16884*/ int32   guild_id;            // guildid
/*16888*/ uint32  birthday;       // character birthday
/*16892*/ uint32  lastlogin;       // character last save time
/*16896*/ uint32  account_startdate;       // Date the Account was started - New Field for Live***
/*16900*/ uint32  timePlayedMin;      // time character played
/*16904*/ uint8   pvp;                // 1=pvp, 0=not pvp
/*16905*/ uint8   anon;               // 2=roleplay, 1=anon, 0=not anon
/*16906*/ uint8   gm;                 // 0=no, 1=yes (guessing!)
/*16907*/ int8    guildrank;        // 0=member, 1=officer, 2=guildleader -1=no guild
/*16908*/ uint32  guildbanker;
/*16912*/ uint8 unknown13054[4];  //was [8]
/*16916*/ uint32  exp;                // Current Experience
/*16920*/ uint8 unknown13072[8];
/*16928*/ uint32  timeentitledonaccount;
/*16932*/ uint8   languages[MAX_PP_LANGUAGE]; // List of languages
/*16957*/ uint8   unknown13109[7];    //#### uint8   unknown13109[4]; in Titanium ####[7]
/*16964*/ float     y;                  // Players y position (NOT positive about this switch)
/*16968*/ float     x;                  // Players x position
/*16972*/ float     z;                  // Players z position
/*16976*/ float     heading;            // Players heading
/*16980*/ uint8   unknown13132[4];    // ***Placeholder
/*16984*/ uint32  platinum_bank;      // Platinum Pieces in Bank
/*16988*/ uint32  gold_bank;          // Gold Pieces in Bank
/*16992*/ uint32  silver_bank;        // Silver Pieces in Bank
/*16996*/ uint32  copper_bank;        // Copper Pieces in Bank
/*17000*/ uint32  platinum_shared;    // Shared platinum pieces
/*17004*/ uint8 unknown13156[1036];    // was [716]
/*18040*/ uint32  expansions;         // Bitmask for expansions ff 7f 00 00 - SoD
/*18044*/ uint8 unknown13244[12];
/*18056*/ uint32  autosplit;          // 0 = off, 1 = on
/*18060*/ uint8 unknown13260[16];
/*18076*/ uint16  zone_id;             // see zones.h
/*18074*/ uint16  zoneInstance;       // Instance id
/*18080*/ char      groupMembers[MAX_GROUP_MEMBERS][64];// 384 all the members in group, including self
/*18464*/ char      groupLeader[64];    // Leader of the group ?
/*18528*/ uint8 unknown13728[604];  // was [348]
/*19132*/ uint32  entityid;
/*19136*/ uint32  leadAAActive;       // 0 = leader AA off, 1 = leader AA on
/*19140*/ uint8 unknown14392[4];
/*19144*/ sint32  ldon_points_guk;    // Earned GUK points
/*19148*/ sint32  ldon_points_mir;    // Earned MIR points
/*19152*/ sint32  ldon_points_mmc;    // Earned MMC points
/*19156*/ sint32  ldon_points_ruj;    // Earned RUJ points
/*19160*/ sint32  ldon_points_tak;    // Earned TAK points
/*19164*/ sint32  ldon_points_available;  // Available LDON points
/*19168*/ uint8 unknown14420[68]; // was [136]
/*19236*/ float  tribute_time_remaining;        // Time remaining on tribute (millisecs)
/*19240*/ uint32  career_tribute_points;      // Total favor points for this char
/*19244*/ uint32  unknown7208;        // *** Placeholder
/*19248*/ uint32  tribute_points;     // Current tribute points
/*19252*/ uint32  unknown7216;        // *** Placeholder
/*19256*/ uint32  tribute_active;      // 0 = off, 1=on
/*19260*/ Tribute_Struct tributes[MAX_PLAYER_TRIBUTES]; // [40] Current tribute loadout
/*19300*/ uint8 unknown14616[4];
/*19304*/ double group_leadership_exp;     // Current group lead exp points
/*19312*/ double raid_leadership_exp;      // Current raid lead AA exp points
/*19320*/ uint32  group_leadership_points; // Unspent group lead AA points
/*19324*/ uint32  raid_leadership_points;  // Unspent raid lead AA points
/*19328*/ LeadershipAA_Struct leader_abilities; // [128]Leader AA ranks 19332
/*19456*/ uint8 unknown14772[132];		// was [128]
/*19588*/ uint32  air_remaining;       // Air supply (seconds)
/*19592*/ uint32  PVPKills;
/*19596*/ uint32  PVPDeaths;
/*19600*/ uint32  PVPCurrentPoints;
/*19604*/ uint32  PVPCareerPoints;
/*19608*/ uint32  PVPBestKillStreak;
/*19612*/ uint32  PVPWorstDeathStreak;
/*19616*/ uint32  PVPCurrentKillStreak;
/*19620*/ PVPStatsEntry_Struct PVPLastKill;		// size 88
/*19708*/ PVPStatsEntry_Struct PVPLastDeath;	// size 88
/*19796*/ uint32  PVPNumberOfKillsInLast24Hours;
/*19800*/ PVPStatsEntry_Struct PVPRecentKills[50];	// size 4400 - 88 each
/*24200*/ uint32 expAA;               // Exp earned in current AA point
/*24204*/ uint8 unknown19516[40];
/*24244*/ uint32 currentRadCrystals;  // Current count of radiant crystals
/*24248*/ uint32 careerRadCrystals;   // Total count of radiant crystals ever
/*24252*/ uint32 currentEbonCrystals; // Current count of ebon crystals
/*24256*/ uint32 careerEbonCrystals;  // Total count of ebon crystals ever
/*24260*/ uint8  groupAutoconsent;    // 0=off, 1=on
/*24261*/ uint8  raidAutoconsent;     // 0=off, 1=on
/*24262*/ uint8  guildAutoconsent;    // 0=off, 1=on
/*24263*/ uint8  unknown19575;     // ***Placeholder (6/29/2005)
/*24264*/ uint32 level3;		// SoF looks at the level here to determine how many leadership AA you can bank.
/*24268*/ uint32 showhelm;            // 0=no, 1=yes
/*24272*/ uint32 RestTimer;
/*24276*/ uint8   unknown19584[1036]; // ***Placeholder (2/13/2007) was[1028]or[940]or[1380] - END of Struct 
Given the large number of fields, it is easy for the struct to get bumped off a bit. But, once I can start working on getting in-game, I should be able to iron out most of the kinks. And once I am all of the way in-game, I can probably get the PP looking pretty good if something is off a bit. Thought you might be able to make use of this if you do care to try messing with the PP at some point. If you give it a couple of days and work on spawns and such in the mean-time, I should have the PP looking pretty good by the time you come back to it again (if you ever feel like it).
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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