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Old 03-11-2014, 09:41 AM
Township EQ
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 118

Originally Posted by Rmannen View Post
Want to preface this by saying I'm not exactly sure where I should post this, so, I went with the general section. If this is wrong I will gladly repost elsewhere or if a mod is willing to donate their precious time moving it <3

I just put together my first server about a week ago now, and so far have been able to find great posts around this forum and elsewhere answering almost every question I've had up to this point. Between the posts and some trial and error I have been able to tackle most figuring outs so far.

This brings me to spells. So far, I've had no luck figuring this out.

To make a new spell, do you actually create a new spell or is the easiest way to pick an obsolete spell and make a new spell out of that ID?

With this, I've been using the SpellEditor from GeorgeS Tools and have tried the Null Spell Editor to no avail. With the SpellEditor I'm looking at the Spells_US.txt(?) file that came with and playing around with that. With the Null spell editor I'm trying loading in that same text file and changing things then telling it to apply the changes to my database, but with no luck.

I'm hoping someone is able to simply and clearly explain to me HOW I would go about making a spell; and even further, how to supply a custom spell file for those wanting to try my server?

Or, if someone knows of a detailed guide that already exists and could point me towards that I would greatly appreciate it.

Hey bud.

Have you heard of EoC? It's pretty much an all-in-one tool.

It has a GREAT NPC editor (with mass zone editing capability) as well as a very concise and easy to use item editor. If you hit "PEQ Editor" upon logging in there's a spell editor in there as well as all of PEQ's tools. It may take a bit getting used to but there's no downloading or anything and it's run by one of the EQEmu administrators. The only thing you have to do is forward port 3306.

There's a whole forum dedicated to information and links on it here:

Good luck man.
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