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Old 01-19-2015, 02:42 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Germany
Posts: 14

This is my "config.php" of the PEQ PHPEditor:

// Database Information:
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'xxxx';
$dbpass = 'xxxx';
$db = 'everquest';
$mysql_class = 'mysqli'; // Use mysql or mysqli

/*  Limit zone lists to a specified expansion
 *  (i.e. setting $expansion_limit to 2 would cause only Classic and Kunark zones
 *  to appear in zone drop-down lists)
 *    1 = EQ Classic
 *    2 = Kunark
 *    3 = Velious
 *    4 = Luclin
 *    5 = Planes of Power
 *    6 = Legacy of Ykesha
 *    7 = Lost Dungeons of Norrath
 *    8 = Gates of Discord
 *    9 = Omens of War
 *    10 = Dragons of Norrath
 *    11 = Depths of Darkhollow
 *    12 = Prophecy of Ro
 *    13 = The Serpents Spine
 *    14 = The Buried Sea
 *    15 = Secrets of Faydwer
 *    16 = Seeds of Destruction
 *    17 = Underfoot
 *    18 = House of Thule 
 *    19 = Veil of Alaris
 *    20 = Rain of Fear
 *    99 = Other
$expansion_limit = 20;

// How NPCs are listed. 1 = by NPCID (zoneidnumber*1000), 2 = By spawn2 entry
$npc_list = 1;

// Spawngroup list limit. Limits how many spawngroups are displayed as result of a Coord/NPC search. Specific NPC lists are not effected.
$spawngroup_limit = 150;

// Dont want to have to type the username and password every time you start the editor?
// Set the two variables below to the values you want to be in the form when you start it up.
// (default login: admin  pw: password)
$login = '';
$password = '';

// Log SQL queries:  1 = on, 0 = off
$logging = 1;

// $log_file = path to the file your sql logs will be saved in.
// If you want a single log file, uncomment next line and comment the two monthly log options.
//$log_file = "logs/sql_log.sql";

// Automatically create new logs monthly.
$filetime = date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris');
$log_file = "logs/sql_log_$filetime.sql";

// Log all MySQL queries (If disabled only write entries are logged - recommended.)
$log_all = 0;

// Log all MySQL queries that result in an error.
$log_error = 1;

// Enable or disable user logins.
$enable_user_login = 1;

// Enable or disable read only guest mode log in.
$enable_guest_mode = 0;

// Path for quests without trailing slash.
$quest_path = "/home/eqemu/quests"
The "access" -Logfile of the Apache says:

Code: - - [19/Jan/2015:19:09:43 +0100] "GET /eqeditor/index.php HTTP/1.1" 200 1704 - - [19/Jan/2015:19:09:44 +0100] "GET /eqeditor/css/peq.css HTTP/1.1" 304 - - - [19/Jan/2015:19:09:44 +0100] "GET /eqeditor/images/peq_editor.gif HTTP/1.1" 304 - - - [19/Jan/2015:19:09:52 +0100] "POST /eqeditor/index.php?login HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [19/Jan/2015:19:09:52 +0100] "GET /eqeditor/index.php HTTP/1.1" 200 1704
There is no Error in the "error" -Log of the Apache Server.
(Sorry i needed so long, but i got a phone call ...)
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