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Old 12-25-2010, 09:00 PM
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Default Future of OpenZone

Hi, I know I haven't been seen around here that much, but I think it's time I pick up something for EQEmulator again. I think that something is going to be OpenZone.
Currently, it's in this state:
1) not compatable with Windows 7 by default

2) latest build doesn't output anything and crashes on non-Windows XP machines

3) issues with large (2GB+ rendered in memory) zones
The issues with Windows 7 will likely be solved by either converting it to the latest version of delphi or linking it with windows 7 delphi components (if they exist.)
The crashes are likely related to the compat with newer OSes, as Windcatcher does his work on Windows 2000.
The 2GB rendered is due to a limitation in delphi, and likely a software flaw.

I did see a source folder in OpenZone, so i'm gonna update my status on fixing OpenZone here, since Windcatcher is long gone it should seem.

Wish me luck, i'm likely going to need it (first time delving into delphi)
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