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Old 06-17-2019, 07:43 AM
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Ohio
Posts: 69
Default New Server Issue

I just setup a brand new server on Ubuntu 19.04. It's working well now, except for one issue.

In Greater Faydark and PoKnowledge, the NPC's won't respond to my hails. Spamming the hails eventually gets them to reply with jibberish. (Squares and weird symbols.)

In Freeport, I'm able to get the Knights of Truth NPC's to respond just fine.

So I thought maybe it was an issue with PEQ quests in GFay and PoK, but then I attempted to add a buff NPC following the guide at and now my own NPC is acting like the ones in GFay and PoK.

I tried searching the forums for instances where NPC's wouldn't talk, and the only result I found was about Perl .dll files, which doesn't apply in my case.

Is this normal or is there a way to fix this without doing a full reinstall?

Edit: I also tried doing #questerrors after hailing like someone suggested in another thread, and no results were provided.

Any help would really be appreciated.
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