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Old 10-05-2019, 01:10 AM
Uleat's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 2,815

If you prefer INNER JOINs...

SELECT `a`.`zone` FROM `spawn2` `a`
INNER JOIN `spawnentry` `b` ON `b`.`spawngroupID` = `a`.`spawngroupID`
INNER JOIN `npc_types` `c` ON `c`.`id` = `b`.`npcID`
INNER JOIN `loottable_entries` `d` ON `d`.`loottable_id` = `c`.`loottable_id`
INNER JOIN `lootdrop_entries` `e` ON `e`.`lootdrop_id` = `d`.`lootdrop_id`
INNER JOIN `items` `f` ON `f`.`id` = `e`.`item_id`
AND `f`.`id` = '10400' # `f`.`id` IN (...)
GROUP BY `a`.`zone`
ORDER BY `a`.`zone`;
SELECT `a`.`name` FROM `npc_types` `a`
INNER JOIN `loottable_entries` `b` ON `b`.`loottable_id` = `a`.`loottable_id`
INNER JOIN `lootdrop_entries` `c` ON `c`.`lootdrop_id` = `b`.`lootdrop_id`
INNER JOIN `items` `d` ON `d`.`id` = `c`.`item_id`
AND `d`.`id` = '10400' # `d`.`id` IN (...)
INNER JOIN `spawnentry` `e` ON `e`.`npcID` = `a`.`id`
INNER JOIN `spawn2` `f` ON `f`.`spawngroupID` = `e`.`spawngroupID`
AND `f`.`zone` = 'mesa'
GROUP BY `a`.`name`
ORDER BY `a`.`name`;

I saw no difference in query time myself...

Note: Global items have changed in the way they are handled and no longer appear in loot tables. (Any remnants will eventually be taken out.)
Uleat of Bertoxxulous

Compilin' Dirty

Last edited by Uleat; 10-05-2019 at 01:28 AM..
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