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Old 01-12-2010, 11:47 AM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 589

Earlier this morning, I commited r1091 to the repo, which is the new spellcasting ai I've been working on. This is largely done, but there are a couple features that I have not tested or finished yet, but I decided to commit the code I had because of the amount of code I had written so far and the fact that a couple other developers have showed interest in assisting me so I decided to put this in the repo now so people can start to look at it and contribute to the rest of it.

This ai is focused around how bot spellcasting behaves in a single group and does not have any logic that is specific to raids. You'll find that if you go after a raid mob, that your success will largely be based on wether your client character is the cleric or the raid mob is weak or you just zerged it with an army of bots. After I feel the ai is working as best as possible for bot groups, I will be moving on to the much request bot raid logic.

Here are the known issues so far with this new ai spellcasting logic:

1. I have not implemented logic to select which nuke spell a wizard bot ought to use. Right now the wizard bot is just grabbing the first nuke spell on it's list.

2. I have code in place to support enchanter bots to identify an "add" mob and mez it, but this code is incomplete and untested at all.

3. I have not tested or done anything with bot bards. If they work at all, I'll be happy until I can get some help to make them what they ought to be.

4. Hybrids heal more than I'd like to see them healing.

Needless to say, a server op should evaluate r1091 before decided to replace their play server with this version of bots. If you are unsatisfied with it, then you are best waiting until the code is more settled.
Read my developer notes at my blog.

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