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Old 10-26-2008, 07:20 AM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 307

I noticed when making the symbolic links (ln -s ../etcetc...), the output was file exist, compared to before of no output from that command. So I checked the propertys and the modified date was unchanged. The symbolic links were not created/updated. The newer source was not being used. So I learned those litte arrows on the top right of the icons of the files are symbol links, and I moved them to another backup dir, and recreated symbolic links again brand new. Now my #bot commands work. So each time I updated the Linux Source, it always compiled just file, but the symbolic links never updated to it.

You can laugh at me now. Yes, Im new to Linux, but EQEmu is giving me a reason to learn how to use Linux.

Off Topic:

Maybe some time I'll use a spare PC to install another flavor of Linux. Also, the first two PC's I had to install Debian only worked with a default 1 gig ram kenel (486) and I couldn't get other kernels working. Both PC's were AMD processors. So the 3rd PC I tried was Intel that the default installed the 686 kernel and it works perfect! Sometimes with perfect install meathods, its just the hardware is the problem. I even had to add a NIC instead of using the default off the Motherboard cause it wasn't being recoginized correctly.

Thanks for reading.
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