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Old 03-14-2014, 04:46 PM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 488

Originally Posted by Leetsauce View Post
If you remember, Dav00d, the 2.1mil bug(on your server at least, dunno if anyone else's had the same issue) I have completely destroyed it.

To be as forthcoming as possible; I'm taking a tonne of your ideas, but only in homage and will always truthfully admit that. In my defense - you had some very unique features that I thoroughly enjoyed for more time (in total) than I have any other server because of the way you had the progression, gear, etc set up. I plan to replicate it, but give it my own little twist.

I have a couple of tiers of armor implemented (in the same way PowerGamer was set up - but no direct spoilers) and right now I'm fine tuning xp gain, aa xp gain, and skill up gain to be inline with the gear, and the prices. On our 5-6th run (each from beginning to end meaning min level to max level and full progression gear that is in the game so far) thus far and plan to do a boatload more testing before unlocking it to public status.

All in all, I'm hoping to get this back out there and hope that I'm able to get others to enjoy it as well as there isn't a single server on the list ( as far as I can tell ) that is even remotely similar to what you had going, and what I have going.

Disclaimer: I'm not entirely sure the RoF client works with the server. I'm using some weird hybrid client to connect that I had patched to live when I played, but I can't remember if I stopped playing live before or after the release of RoF. Looking at my live account - it seems that I have purchased RoF, but am unsure at which patch my copy is. That being said, I've had success using HoT, UF, both from Steam, and Titanium from some random place I found.

Edit: Beta testing will begin within 2 weeks. We(my team) have set this personal(individually) goal to have it ready to start beta, and so we shall.
its cool you are giving some credit, but you have to realize what you "copied" was not really all that custom anyways.. your work is probably x100 more than what I had at the time

if you want the "other stuff" i can help you get it working
Demon Overlord of Alakamin
skype @ davoodinator
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