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Old 04-12-2015, 10:14 PM
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: United States
Posts: 32
Default How to add random items to all mobs

Disclaimer: I'm completely new to building a server, and new to database management. I have some coding experience, but that's about it.

I have Akka's Repack up and running just fine, but now I'm at the beginning stages of playing with the database. I've done a good bit of reading, and I'm sure I have a long way to go but thought I'd ask a couple questions to get me started.

Basic Idea: I'd like to make it so NPCs have a chance to spawn with a random item from the entire item database (in addition to their regular drops).

Advanced Idea: I'd like to do what's described in the "Basic Idea" above, but add criteria changing the chance for the higher level items based on the NPC level (while still making it possible for low level NPCs to drop any item).

In my research I've uncovered two tools (Akka's Diablo loot tool and Georges Diablo tool), but I'm not sure they can accomplish what I want. My very basic understanding of the tools is the following:
Akka's Tool: From what I can tell the tool can generate random items on NPCs when they spawn, but it seems like it only provides items appropriate for the NPC level. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Georges Tool: I couldn't find any information about this tool. I found a forum post and verbiage on his website that direct me to help/videos for information, but I couldn't find help/videos anywhere.
I'd appreciate any guidance for my request. Thanks in advance! I'm still trying to understand how the different NPC and loot tables connect, and trying to learn query syntax at the same time. On another note, I couldn't find any youtube tutorials dealing with eqemu database alterations. Are there good tutorials/resources out there?
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