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Old 08-08-2020, 03:50 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 3
Default No longer access to AOL aim Email...

I cant change my passwords on accounts because it requires me to access an email no longer accessible. I tried contacting AOL directly and they said; All email address that were established through AIM--not, no longer exist. (A purge they made a few years back when they stopped supporting AIM)

There is no way for me to access this email.

I've written a response to EQEmu once about a year ago and never got a reply back. Trying again to solve this problem. I can submit passwords for all accounts, and can give locations to IPs where accounts were logged in. I can also give explanations and or photo evidence in some manner if it helps.

I have been playing p99 for 10 years... would hate to not have ability to change password on an account that is now compromised...
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