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Old 04-11-2008, 10:54 PM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 659
Default Qyenos Hills: Rat Ear Pie

# NPC:  Rephas
# Zone:  qeytoqrg
# Quest:  Rat Ear Pie
# Author:  Andrew80k


    if ($text=~/hail/i) {
        quest::say("Aagggh..  Get away from here..  Go, run..  Far away..  Or I shall call [Karana's] wrath upon you!");  

    if ($text=~/karana\'s/i) {
        quest::say("Heh!..  Ignorant one!  Begone, and take your stupidity with you!");



  if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,13072 => 1)) {

    quest::say("Ahh yes..  These are a little small, but still some good eating, if you know how to cook 'em of course..   Here ya go, enjoy and may Karana keep your fields lush and green.");
    quest::faction(11,2);  # Arcane Scientists
    quest::faction(184,2); # Knights of Truth
    quest::faction(105,-3); # Freeport Militia
    quest::faction(235,-3); # Opal Dark Briar


  } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,13719=>1)) {
    quest::say("Wha?..   Ah, I guess it's a bit of an acquired taste..  Oh well, your loss..  Here, take this..  They ain't no ears, but it's the least I could do..   And if ya find any more rat ears, good ol' Rephas here will be glad to take 'em off your hands for ya!");
    quest::faction(11,2);  # Arcane Scientists
    quest::faction(184,2); # Knights of Truth
    quest::faction(105,-3); # Freeport Militia
    quest::faction(235,-3); # Opal Dark Briar

  } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,13050=>4)) {
    quest::say("Wow!..  How big was the dang varmint that these come off of?!  Bigger'n a ol' grizzly, I bet!  You've earned this, my friend!  It's my own secret recipe for rat ear pie..  sure is tasty, easy to make, and keeps your belly full while you're running about in the hills and such.  Take care, and may Karana keep your path clear and our lakes full.");
    quest::faction(11,2);  # Arcane Scientists
    quest::faction(184,2); # Knights of Truth
    quest::faction(105,-3); # Freeport Militia
    quest::faction(235,-3); # Opal Dark Briar
  } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,13050=>1)) {
    quest::say("Hey..  wow..  Now THESE are some good, meaty ears..  These will make one great rat ear pie..  Tell ya what, kid..  bring me a few more o' these beauties, and I'll give you my secret recipe for cooking 'em.");
    quest::faction(11,2);  # Arcane Scientists
    quest::faction(184,2); # Knights of Truth
    quest::faction(105,-3); # Freeport Militia
    quest::faction(235,-3); # Opal Dark Briar
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