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Old 12-10-2019, 07:27 AM
Huppy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,333

This is a more "organized" test I did, using the same toon on the two different clients, seperately. On both occasions, it was the same TEST NPC and same player toon. I simply #leveled the test NPC one level at a time, first on RoF, then on Titanium. I used a completely vanilla database and current source (my testbox). I disabled any experience mods (race/class/zem's, etc) and run with the default exp settings in the PEQ.

This is using a Level 25 WAR, with a newbie sword and a naked human test NPC. You can see the different con's between the two. Same experience for all kills (63% total), lol. But the Titanium would obviously have to kill one extra red, and one less yellow.

Hanging out at Antonica.World
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