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Old 05-18-2018, 07:20 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Alaska
Posts: 61

Originally Posted by GRUMPY View Post
In your tblserveradminregistration table, the AccountName and AccountPassword
have to match the name and password in your config file.

"loginserver2" : {
"account" : "<server_admin>", <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
"host" : "<server_external_IP>",
"password" : "<server_admin_password>", <<<<<<<<<<<<
"port" : "5998"
Thank you, Grumpy. They were precisely the same. I actually got tired of messing with it and destroyed the install and ran the script again and encountered a whole new error:

EDIT: Also, the table you quote doesn't exist, it was called: "loginserver_world_server_registration" for the world and "loginserver_server_admin_registration" for admin.

 [New Server] ERROR: You must run in an empty directory
I tried moving the script to an empty directory and it didn't fix anything. *sigh* Wish it were more explicit; as in, why does it need an empty directory if you're trying to setup a new_server?

Not quite frustrated yet, but getting there. Now, I have to wait for a couple hours for the script to compile again and then go through the setup. It was working just fine and then stopped. There has to be a logical reason...
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