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Old 02-16-2022, 01:13 PM
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: In the woods
Posts: 66

Originally Posted by Huppy View Post
Do yourself a favour and don't take that "anticheat system" too seriously. Since they re-implented it, I did some testing on my own server with it and there was many normal character actions that were wrongfully detected as /MQWARP, etc. All you can do is use it as a prompt to monitor and/or look into it. Best thing to do is look at the x,y,x to x,y,z in the table entry and go from there. But if you start looking into the hoards of entries, you're going to be too busy to do anything else, lol

That's a practice that would never be done, simply because of the rules of discretion. Would you want your user account information dished out to the public ? It really is individual server data that stays with that individual server. On most occasions, when a server releases a database for others to use, they wipe all the player data.
On the account info was not really looking for that, more an account name that is a known offender/abuser type thing. Some of the violations where done by characters from lvl 21 all the way down to lvl 1 and covering distances that just don't make logical sense.

As for the anti-cheat that is what I did. when a player who plays for 8 hours creates 28 pages of MQ2 offenses kinda catches your eye especially when I play and only create a few in 8 hours.
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