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Old 10-30-2019, 12:23 AM
Huppy's Avatar
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Originally Posted by imp34 View Post
I just wanted to get your guys' feedback on how successful/popular a server with these features would be. The success of p99 Green server makes me wonder about the appeal of classic (I'm very drawn to it!)
Regardless of what type of goals you have, it does't hurt to be selfish of what your own enjoyment will be of any kind of server you have in mind. What it boils down to, is your initial motives for any kind of server.
I'm not scared to admit, I just recently made a huge mistake, when I went to work on a project, but I woke up one day and realized I wasn't doing it for the right reasons. The type of server I was working on, just wasn't me. I wouldn't have enjoyed it. During the dev work, I found myself being dragged in a direction aimed at that infamous "popularity contest", but at the same time, dragging myself into a rut of unhappiness, so I halted the whole project and pulled something out of the closet that is closer to my own enjoyment.
There is nothing wrong with anyone who may find great enjoyment in having a popular server up on that list, if that's what really does it for someone. The "right reasons" are only limited to your own reasons. As far as getting feedback, if one is looking for feedback from the actual player community, it can be difficult on here. I'm sure a big percentage of actual players read these forums, but they seem reluctant to reply. There are several thousand out there, but only the odd stray stops by with a voice. But don't let that discourage you from your own visions and goals.
Hanging out at Antonica.World
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