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Old 03-03-2021, 11:37 AM
Forum Guide
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 468

Originally Posted by TripSin View Post
Oh, dang. I mean I don't understand why it has to be so hard to put in one entry and modify a single digit value for another but oh well.
Hello, and welcome. What you are trying to do is actually very simple, but you need some level of understanding of these systems and applications. I run mysql on my linux server and simply use MySql Query Browser and MySql Workbench to make any database changes I want. There's more to it than that, like knowing the account and permissions, and knowing the url/address to hit to access the database.

It can be frustrating at first, but if you want to dive in to the emulator you need some patience and study. If you put the cart in front of the horse here, eventually you will run up against a wall you can't navigate around. Take your time and learn.
Sayin Silverwolf
Server Op of The Sandbox (Non-Legit)
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