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Old 09-20-2013, 01:44 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 3

Originally Posted by iwarfare View Post
You must be the guy that spent $1,000 on donor gear on that server. Lulz.
I always laughed at those "Pay to be ubah" people on SoA. Shit was laughable. My brother Xav said hi btw Razergay . We need to get together sometime on some server and go to SFG to argue for hours like old times haha. Too funny.

Also, I am pretty curious as to what Spider is doing. The server has been down but up on the server list for a couple? months now with 'coming back soon' next to it, I wonder if he had a surge of interest in bringing the server back when it first came up on the server list then as time went on, he gave up on it. Would be cool if he was able to post on here and post what his plans were with bringing the server back etc so we kinda knew what to expect instead of patiently waiting to see if the server is magically up one day, or it disappear from the list for good :(. Miss that server and all the great people who were on it. Met a LOT of great people there and I would lovvvvve to get a TPE(The Pwny Express) round 3 run on the server and see who all we could get back! Crossing my fingers and have been since I've seen SoA first make an appearance on the server list, that it will make a triumphant return.

It's good to see almost all of my most loyal/awesome officers on here posting, glad you guys are still around and hopefully I could get you guys back playing on SoA if it does come back and get TPE off the ground once again. And see if we can't make the guild even better than it was the first and second time and enjoy whatever Spider has planned for the server. Pugly(fu and the DT in Kithicor that one night still, lol. My brother and I were just talking about that the other day and were laughing. I still hate you for that. ), and eff'in message me back/email/text me or something you ass. Quit ignoring me haha. Shreky boy, hopefully you and all 80 of your rangers make it back, we could use the DPS haha. I'd love to get Tave back and dunno if he reads these forums or plays anymore, but I'd love to have him and his 80 some odd alts back to help keep raids smooth and fill in any spots that were needed. Guy was a powerhouse, plain and simple. Always solo'in Grummus and doing his own evasive rotations with his 4 wars and running his own mini-raid basically which no one else was able to solo Grummus and he made it look easy but it would take him over 30-40 mins to do haha, just to help a person or two to get their flags, guy was very selfless and one of the best damn guys I had ever had the pleasure of meeting on emu. Rampage, Suki, Xuanzang, Bloodshot, Jimbo, Bored, if you guys read this, hopefully Spider is on the verge of opening the server up and he's been workin on it all this time to bring us some great content and I'd love to have you all back as you guys all were what helped make TPE what it was. It had one of the greatest atmosphere's of any guild I have EVER been apart of since playing EQ since beta haha, and we were always real good at raiding and you guys helping lead the raids and keeping people informed/in line were the reasons we always did so well. But I'll end this post before it gets anymore longer than it already is, just had so many great memories on SoA and again, met so many great people there that I hope it comes back and that Spider/Aerlys can keep it going for a long long time. But alright, if you used to be in TPE and you read this, shoot me a PM on here and maybe we can get a reunion run going on another server til SoA is up, that would be pretty cool, I work a lot but we could make it happen. Hope to get bunch of PM's and see SoA up soon! Hope everyone has been well(minus razorgimp of course...jkk )and hopefully Spider gets the server done asap!

PS. I know I repeated a lot of what I already said in a previous post but SoA was a great place and it really gets me excited that it could possibly be returning. I can't wait!

Fenken - Master of the Pwnies

Leader of "The Pwny Express"
An SoA guild.
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