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Old 09-10-2016, 10:11 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Indiana
Posts: 9
Default TutorialB, quest turn-ins being eaten alive!


I've recently rolled up my first server! Very exciting stuff and I am by no means an expert but I am very tech-minded so I don't need a ton of hand holding. Well, maybe a little (databases just don't do it for me, ya know?).

I decided to go all-in and create the log-in server as well. After installing the Titanium edition client and a few tweaks I was up and rolling with no problem. Decided to give the first quest a go and found that Absor took my rusty old dagger and then just sat there, staring at me, not moving, not saying was a very awkward moment. I gave it up to new game jitters - Old Absor isn't all THAT helpful anyway - and decided to move on to the tall scaly looking pair at the top of the tunnel. One asked me for an arrow. Made a pretty dramatic plea, really. Something about it could be the difference between life and death. I figured it was a fairly big deal so I went and gathered several. Gave her/him the arrows and he/she took them, and didn't say thank you, didn't update my quest, just stared, like Absor, only more awkward because it's a giant lizard and they don't blink!

I figure something must be amiss. Non turn-ins update fine (kills, etc). Tasks show as complete. On the technical side, Perl is installed, the quests exist in the \quests (lowercase q) by zone and NPC name, the plugins have been located in the EQEmuServer\plugins folder. World.exe has been run by itself. Shared_Memory has been run right after that. Everything closed out and the full batch file runs fine. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears. (not an elf joke, I promise). Thanks!!
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