Thread: Retroquest TLP
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Old 04-22-2023, 11:13 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 9
Default Retroquest TLP

Started playing on Ixi Retroquest TLP since my buddy and I will skip the new TLP unless there is a last minute change on rules. This Retroquest TLP has been fun, custom quests in some zones like crushbone, guktop with tasks. Starts in kunark, with berserkers unlocked. 2box only with no macroquest.

We've been playing casually and gotten to level 40, population is small, but it's like one big guild. Only a few raid targets have gone down so far. If you're looking for something to play, it's xp bonus weekend as well. Hotzones rotate each day. Usually 7 or so hot zones that rotate at random.

Also some custom raids and zones, High hold pass became walls of slaughter with gnolls having won the war.

Rogues got redone, they can create "bombs" and have a bunch of new poisons. Mage and necro pets are tuned down a bit. Druids get a pet at level 40. Progression is an expansion every 6 months, still in the first expansion so you aren't far behind. Active discord community. Can definitely play between TLPs and diablo 4 coming out etc.
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