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Old 05-09-2009, 01:29 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 122

I finally got a chance to work on the language stuff a bit. Here's what I've got at the moment, tell me if it seems like what you need:

quest::say() is modified to take an optional second parameter that determines the language spoken. So quest::say("I'm speaking elvish", 3) would indeed be said in elvish. The only downsides are that anything with a language given (even if it's a zero for common) uses the regular say channel, so it won't trigger quest journalling and it is subject to client filters.

The events SAY, AGGRO_SAY, and PROXIMITY_SAY all export a variable $langid that holds the number of the language spoken by the player.

The players language skill is accessable (and always has been) through the $client->GetLanguageSkill() function.

I'd like to do some more testing before I commit, but if everything works well and this is what you're looking for, I'll add it in tomorrow.
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