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Old 08-26-2020, 10:49 PM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 426
Default Looking for a way to make data_bucket increase...

Hey all, I'm looking for what to do to make this increase in increments when you hand the NPC another Spell Currency. I have the script working to where she will give you 1 currency, but I can't make it increase, then I guess I would also need the decrease too...

if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 2087 => 1))
			if(!quest::get_data($client->CharacterID() ."Spell_Currency"))
				$key = $client->CharacterID() . "Spell_Currency";
				$client->Message(315,"$npcname whispers to you, 'Thank you for this, $name. You now have 1 spell currency that you can use to buy an ability!'");
				quest::set_data($key, 1);
				$client->Message(315,"$npcname whispers to you, 'NOTE! You can only have ONE Spell Currency at a time! Do not turn more then 1 into me or you will NOT get credit.'");
			elsif(quest::get_data($client->CharacterID() . "Spell_Currency"))
				$key = $client->CharacterID() . "Spell_Currency";
				$client->Message(315,"$npcname whispers to you, 'This means you have another currency.'");
				quest::set_data($key, +1);
I thought that would work, but it does not.
I am the All Mighty Mittens!
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