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Old 10-10-2015, 10:11 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 222

I just loaded up P99 on my linux box last night because of this thread. What really separates P99 from many other servers is the level of discipline the devs consistently show.

I will admit, I wish they would share some of the goodness back into EMU, but it is far from a deal breaker. I will say this... My next server I build will not try to re-create a P1999 experience They have that covered in spades!

I have often thought a semi Classic -- Antonica - Kunark - Vellious with numerous extensions to these classic zones would be interesting. I would perhaps continue the Giants Vs. Dragons story line. Extend Deities liberally, so they really do make a difference. Enable all of the Planes, but in a way that extends and fits into the old story line. I would enable Drakkin, mostly because I think they are kinda cool, and they would "Fit" into the extension of the Giants Vs. Dragons theme. I would use the newer clients SoD++ for the technical improvements in them. I would limit the levels to approximately 72, and extend the AA's as much as possible (time sink). I would obviously have to revamp literally all of the mobs to drastically decrease some of the later era mobs, and then increase the older era mobs etc.

I have often thought about balance of Player Vs. Mobs from about level 1 to 30'ish to really push players to want to group for the really "Fast" (haha....) experience. The fights would be quite a bit longer, but the exp hit would be more than worth the time. It would be nice to give Necro's a reason to group. That said, I would certainly make sure the solo exp places were well catered too. No bots, No Boxing. Really like that about P1999.

I would re-visit pretty much all of the ancient quests such as the Centaur Crafted Armors for Warrior and make the 100% fully relevant again. Loved those old quests, it is not hard to update them to make them really nice again. I used to kinda like the old Kael and Skyshrine quest armors, it would cool to have those be super important again...

The point would be to keep a classic general feel, keep the soul of classic alive but extend it. Corpse Runs ... YES! I love the idea of a good old "Time to hit the bank for my BACKUP_GEAR!!" Make it hurt when "it" goes south in a bad way... Of course what I am talking about would be pretty intense dev wise, assuming it were to be done right. I would revert most, if not all, of the revamped zones.... but might roll with some of the "Darkened Zones" like they did for a little while on Live for Guk etc.... that was pretty cool.

All this being said... I am very much enjoying the "Slow Burn" that was classic here in P99!

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