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Old 10-04-2014, 02:39 PM
Mortow's Avatar
Hill Giant
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 215

I had issues with it parsing the info from my config file. I know this is because I have something wrong somewhere but I was able to get it to function by just commenting out the parser section like this:

    # CONFIG VARIABLES - Parsed from eqemu_config.xml
    #my $confile = "eqemu_config.xml"; #default
    #open(F, "<$confile") or die "Unable to open config: $confile\n";
    #my $indb = 0;
    #while(<f>) {
    #    s/\r//g;
    #    if(/<database>/i) { $indb = 1; }
    #    next unless($indb == 1);
    #    if(/<\/database>/i) { $indb = 0; last; }
    #    if(/<host>(.*)<\/host>/i) { $host = $1; } 
    #    elsif(/<username>(.*)<\/username>/i) { $user = $1; } 
    #    elsif(/<password>(.*)<\/password>/i) { $pass = $1; } 
    #    elsif(/<db>(.*)<\/db>/i) { $db = $1; }
Adding the # before a line comments it out.

Then I manually added my db username and password to lines 35 & 36, like this:

    if(!$connect){ $connect = DBI->connect($dsn, USERNAME, PASSWORD); }
    if(!$connect2){ $connect2 = DBI->connect($dsn, USERNAME, PASSWORD); }
Once that was done it worked for me.
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