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Old 08-01-2017, 12:48 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 188

I found it by doing a search for "lootdrop" The thread starter misspelled increase and spelled it incream LOL. Anyhow, here's the query I found. I ran it on a test database on localhost and it returned with 32K hits or something like that. When I compare the entries with the server database that's up and running, the numbers are more, but I wanted to get a few sets of eyes on this since it's from an old post. What do you think of this to increase defiant chance of drop?

I don't understand what most of this is doing with ld at the end, and INNER JOIN I'm gonna have to look up. I'm super interested in what this is doing when it runs.

UPDATE lootdrop_entries ld  
INNER JOIN items i ON 
INNER JOIN loottable_entries lt ON ld.lootdrop_id=lt.lootdrop_id 
SET ld.chance = ld.chance * 4
WHERE i.Name like '%defiant%' and ld.chance > 0 and ld.chance < 25;
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