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Old 04-15-2012, 03:45 PM
Drakiyth's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 549

Originally Posted by satora54 View Post
Will there be any pvp?
I do indeed plan to add PVP to Varlyndria and here are some ideas I have in mind.

NOTE: Please keep in mind that a lot of these are just ideas right now and everything I am saying here is not set in stone.

PVP ZONES: Open World PVP areas and Arena Revamp. I'll make the teleporter that takes you to these zones have multiple "drop zones" so players can't just farm
the single entrance to that combat zone. I'm thinking something around the lines of 10 drop zone locations per combat zone. Each drop zone will have an NPC to get PVP potions from. Also, to make it a bit more interesting I'll probably have the NPC hit the player with an invis spell before they launch them into the combat zone. With this, I'll probably make it where SEE INVIS is not allowed, so rogues can have some fun and players can zone in undetected for a short time to get their bearings and avoid immediate ambush.

BETTING: Betting on who will win the match in Arena.

PVP POTIONS: These will be zone restricted, so the buff will vanish whenever you leave the zone you got them in. The potions themselves will give the player a massive HP increase that lasts for 24 hours or until they die or leave the combat zone. This will allow players to compete against others and actually have a chance to survive with how much damage can be thrown out by some class paths. The HP increase will probably be in the 100k range. Bots will be active as well to kill any player (I'm guessing) so having the main character decked in HP is a must to prolong the fights and make them more challenging.

PVP REWARDS: Various gear that will help kill players or remove their spells etc.

These are just some ideas I have and whether or not I'll be able to get these into the first test phase or not is questionable, but I do want to give pvpers a place on the server without making the entire server pvp so both types of players can enjoy it.
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