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Old 09-28-2009, 10:15 PM
trevius's Avatar
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Yeah, it is the SoF client, but the eqgame.exe version that was used for SoF was actually released on Live over a month before SoF actually came out. So, since the cap was still level 75 at that time, maybe they had the client limited to not calculate base HPs/Mana/End above that level yet. I am guessing they have some if statement in there that says:

if (level > 75)
  BaseHP = 5;
  BaseEnd = 5;
  BaseMana = 5;
That is my guess as to what the client is doing, NOT what the EQEmu server is doing. The EQEmu server calculates stats just fine for post 75, but the SoF client isn't so friendly about it. So, while SoF fixed the issue with skills rolling over when higher than the level cap (like Titanium has an issue with), they introduced a new issue with HP/Mana/End not being calculated properly.

I am sure there is more than 1 way around it, but one idea would be to just pick a common slot and send the base hp/mana/end of the char for the item in that slot if they are over level 75. So, if your base HP should be 2000, and we are putting it on a charm that has 50HPs on it already, the charm would actually display as having 2050HPs for chars over level 75. This would all still be calculated the normal way server-side, but would just be a work-around hack to trick the client. It would actually be fairly simple to do this change, I think.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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