Thread: EQExtractor2
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Old 05-31-2010, 01:56 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: USA
Posts: 478

Originally Posted by trevius View Post
I don't know the details of how the tool works exactly, but it seems like it parses the .pcap when you first load it. Perhaps you could just give an option to generate a file of that parse, which could then be loaded and used to generate SQL from. Figured that may be another possible option for creating files anyone could use and share without worrying about private info. Another nice bonus to using a parse instead of some generated SQL is that a parse should be able to hold data that may not currently be set to be generated into SQL yet, so as the extractor tool is refined/expanded, those same parses could be ran through the tool again for an instant update with the latest features. This should prevent people from having to run their own .pcaps through the tool and sending them again. Instead, Cavedude could just run the parses through the tool, and have the latest with minimal work.
Why not just have a tool that zeros out any personal info from the .pcap files so they could be sent in as is. Then the full communication between client and server is complete in case we figure out something additional to extract from it later, but it won't contain any personal information that a player may wish kept from the general populace.
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