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Old 02-27-2020, 10:22 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 2

No one is really talking about this place here on the forum but it is very fun and different. Some bosses are really creative, many have some type of script. There are very few that are plain old 'tank and spank'. One example named in a lower tier zone is a giant sea turtle that constantly spawns baby turtles. The babies move quite slowly while mama is very fast, requiring a 'kite and fight' strategy if you are a melee.

Tradeskills are also cool here and recently re balanced so you can't just make poisons to skill easily. This concept has lots of potential and makes me think of other servers where the classes are played in a new way while sticking to their typical roles. My warrior has a skill that is DD plus rune. Meanwhile my clerics yaulp is more like a super yaulp that also gives her cool procs. Recommended to give this place a spin it's a totally new take on eq.
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