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Old 06-03-2015, 12:18 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: California
Posts: 814

I've got it. I've finally actually got it.

There are three sound types in a ZoneNick_sounds.eff file.

Type 0 - Different sounds for day and night, from ZoneNick_sndbnk.eff
Type 1 - Background Music (with a pointer to which tune from ZoneNick.xmi to play)
Type 2 - Same sound any time of day, from ZoneNick_sndbnk.eff

I also figured out the fields in the .emt files to match up with the different sound types above. Everything. A straight up direct conversion from .eff files to a .emt file should be completely possible.

This will be awesome for anyone who wants to customize their zones' sound effects and background music.

We'll see if I can get it done before I have to turn in for the night.
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