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Old 10-09-2015, 08:19 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 34

Poison Cloud that follows you around and damages things - pretty much just a carbon copy of steadfast servant but switch the spells to something that damages
2 spells, 1 npc, 1 pet, 1 script

Spell1:Pet spawner I used ID 21063 Adjust as necessary
Spell Effect 1: 152 base value 1 max value is time in seconds it will follow

I was considering putting this on some kind of timer that spawns them every couple seconds. Was having issues with it tho - pretty sure it was with the timer being attached to the spell itself. Although you could probably just use a regen type spell or something that already has ticks built in and just spawn a new one every tick.

Spell2:Any Pbaoe DMG spell Like earthquake.

I made a new one with ID 21064. If you wanted to get fancy you could give it a viral dot or a Pbaoe effect that triggered a viral dot.

This gets called out in the script in order to cast.

If you wanted it to cast multiple spells just look up the steadfast servant and mimic how it picks what spell to use

The basic gist of the mob is you cant hit it, it doesnt do melee attacks it just kinda walks around or follows you (even tho mine go and attack things) and since its a poison cloud it can obviously see through invis

Name it Poison_Cloud or something along those lines

My npcId for it is 999232. Mae sure you adjust as necessary

NPC: Bodytype: 11, Race: 127,Wep1: 11519 Wep2: 11519 Mindmg: 1 Maxdmg: 2 Attack Count: -1 NPC AGGRO: 1. See Hide: 1 See Improved Invis: 1 See undead: 1 Trackable: 0

At this point I'm realizing you could probably make it be a personal rain cloud by just changing the weapons out. I didnt like the dervish (race 431) for the poison cloud but it could work for other things

Script to be placed in quests/global. Give it the name of your npcid so mine was this gets used again when you make the pet in the next step
# Poison Cloud 1-- Redid Steadfast Servant

$HPThreshold = 50;      # HP Threshold at which HoT will be cast.
$Frequency = 3;        # Frequency in seconds with which the EVENT_TIMER is executed.
$Range = 300;           # How close a player must be for a chance to be buffed.

        quest::settimer("RandomAction", $Frequency);


        # First we find our owner and see if is in range and in need of any buffs.
        $OwnerID = $npc->GetFollowID();

        if($OwnerID <= 0)
        $Owner = $entity_list->GetClientByID($OwnerID);

                $x = $Owner->GetX();
                $y = $Owner->GetY();
                $z = $Owner->GetZ();

                $Distance = $npc->CalculateDistance($x, $y, $z);

                if($Distance < $Range) {
				$npc->CastSpell(21064, $ClientID);
Make the pet in the pets table

Type: PoisonCloud1 petpower: -1 npcID: 999232 Temp: 1 petcontrol: 0 petnaming: 0 monsterflag: 0 (Or MAYBE YOU CAN MAKE NPCS USE IT?? ehh dodge the poison clouds event type thing - not sure if thats what this is for I keep getting ideas) Equipmentset: -1
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