Thread: Is this normal?
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Old 06-09-2018, 04:55 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: terra firma
Posts: 131

<looks around sheepishly>

I don't use the updater :p. i wanted to dink around with source even though i have not, yet. i used installer to get db setup. since then i compile source and run the db updates as needed and update db version etc.

i created the table, only unsure thing was whether to default timestamp to current time stamp, but i left it no default since there wasn't a note in the wiki. i just tested and seems to work fine as long as it starts as an empty table. edit: i compared to the 2015-1-31 sql too.

i double checked all the other 'character_...' tables from github wiki and i have all of them except this one for some reason. i started with a peq database from the installer, though. and long after 1-31-2015. the only thing i hand sourced was bots and then the sql updates incrementally based on db's stated version and manifest.

i'll go look it over and make sure i didn't do it wrong.

edit: okay looks fine. however, like i said i used the db from the installer for initial install which was after that db-update from 1-31-2015 (date and db version value). maybe it was a temprorary hiccup when i happened to install it? obviously others don't have the problem. or i somehow deleted that one table... never know.
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