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Old 04-23-2020, 03:09 AM
WarAngel's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2017
Location: Washington State
Posts: 54

I understand. The Dev replying to the bug report explained it a bit.

My confusion is that the entity window would only (it seems) show raw AC, while other stats such as HP would adjust to spells that manipulate both AC and HP. So I get a HP that changes but the AC does not.

While the #showstat show the changes made by the spell casted. Not sure if I am able to explain with out the ability to load up my screenshot. But it just confuses the snookers out of me.

The use of the word trust was a bad decision. Lets say I get brain wires crossed when the entity window changes some stats but other, or, maybe just the AC does not. And that is a bit frustrating to my concrete circular mind.

Not an issue though, I adjusted and can adapt. Its all good.
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