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Old 04-22-2016, 02:21 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 5
Default Server config

Okay... total newb at this stuff. I'm primarily a player, and I profoundly appreciate all the work Akkadius and others have put into making this a reality.

Now to the question... it's twofold.
1st: Will this new installer have the same conflicts some have reported in windows like the repack did?
2nd: I assumed the answer to the first was "yes" to be safe... and I installed virtual box and bumbled through getting windows 7 installed on it. I've loaded the server onto it, and all appears to be well. The issues come when I try to log into said sever. I can't connect to it. From browsing the forums, I know this is related to the eqemu_config, login.ini, and eqhost.txt files and the addresses found therein. The address suggestions Akkadius lists on his installer page for the login server don't appear to work under these circumstances. Akkadius himself has mentioned he sometimes uses a sandbox like Virtual box... does anyone know how this may be resolved? I know jack about all this stuff. I've tried plugging addresses from ipconfig in MSDOS from both machines (actual and virtual) and I'm probably making a horrible mess of something very simple.

Thanks for listening, and hopefully helping!
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