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Old 12-14-2012, 06:14 PM
trevius's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: USA
Posts: 5,946

Heh, new opcode list worked first try (though obviously the char list struct needs some adjustments):

Here is the .conf file I used:

# ShowEQ Import Notes:
# perl -pi -e 's/0x[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/0x0000/g' opcodes.conf
# Unknown Mapping:
# OP_Action2 -> OP_Damage
# OP_EnvDamage -> OP_Damage ---> might have been a one time mistake
# Name Differences:
# OP_CancelInvite -> OP_GroupCancelInvite
# OP_GMFind -> OP_FindPersonRequest
# OP_CommonMessage -> OP_ChannelMessage

OP_ExploreUnknown=0x0000 # used for unknown explorer

# V = Verified correct
# C = Most likely correct
# U = Unsure, but should be correct or close

# world packets
# Required to reach Char Select:
OP_SendLoginInfo=0x11b6 # V
OP_ApproveWorld=0x7e47 # C
OP_LogServer=0x19ab # C
OP_SendCharInfo=0x06a2 # C
OP_ExpansionInfo=0x711a # C
OP_GuildsList=0x2d38 # C
OP_EnterWorld=0x57c3 # C
OP_PostEnterWorld=0x0c3d # C
OP_World_Client_CRC1=0x044 # C
OP_World_Client_CRC2=0x26df # C
OP_SendSpellChecksum=0x0000 # C
OP_SendSkillCapsChecksum=0x0000 # C

# Character Select Related:
OP_DeleteCharacter=0x0ab4 # C
OP_CharacterCreateRequest=0x06b # C
OP_CharacterCreate=0x0afc # C
OP_RandomNameGenerator=0x0000 # C 0x440f
OP_ApproveName=0x213a # C

OP_MOTD=0x1ae3 # C 0x2b59
OP_SetChatServer=0x2a81 # C 0x0479
OP_SetChatServer2=0x0000 # C 0x158f
OP_ZoneServerInfo=0x49d9 # C 0x41c0
OP_WorldComplete=0x12d4 # C
OP_WorldUnknown001=0x0000 # C 0x77b1
OP_FloatListThing=0x0199 # V

# Reasons for Disconnect:
OP_ZoneUnavail=0x6281 # C 0x1190
OP_WorldClientReady=0x0000 # C 0x4786
OP_CharacterStillInZone=0x0000 #
OP_WorldChecksumFailure=0x0000 #
OP_WorldLoginFailed=0x0000 #
OP_WorldLogout=0x0000 #
OP_WorldLevelTooHigh=0x0000 #
OP_CharInacessable=0x0000 #
OP_UserCompInfo=0x0000 #
# OP_SendExeChecksum=0x0000 #
# OP_SendBaseDataChecksum=0x0000 #

# Zone in opcodes
OP_AckPacket=0x47a6 # V
OP_ZoneEntry=0x1665 # V
OP_ReqNewZone=0x3dec # V
OP_NewZone=0x7fff # V
OP_ZoneSpawns=0x0980 # ?
OP_PlayerProfile=0x46bb # V
OP_TimeOfDay=0x3be2 # V
OP_LevelUpdate=0x0000 # V
OP_Stamina=0x1949 # V
OP_RequestClientZoneChange=0x647a # C
OP_ZoneChange=0x1eb4 # C

OP_LockoutTimerInfo=0x0000 #
OP_ZoneServerReady=0x0000 #
OP_ZoneInUnknown=0x0000 #
OP_LogoutReply=0x0000 #
OP_PreLogoutReply=0x0000 #

# Required to fully log in
OP_SpawnAppearance=0x7360 # V
OP_ChangeSize=0x0000 #
OP_TributeUpdate=0x0000 # V
OP_TributeTimer=0x0000 # C
OP_TaskDescription=0x2294 # C
OP_TaskActivity=0x7181 # C
OP_CompletedTasks=0x9495 # C
OP_Weather=0x0bd7 # V
OP_SendAATable=0x7791 # V
OP_UpdateAA=0x504f # V
OP_RespondAA=0x719a # C 0x2bad
OP_ReqClientSpawn=0x5a4f # V
OP_SpawnDoor=0x7b6c # V
OP_GroundSpawn=0x4286 # V
OP_SendZonepoints=0x7922 # V
OP_SendAAStats=0x0000 # C
OP_WorldObjectsSent=0x7fa8 # V
OP_BlockedBuffs=0x0000 # V
OP_RemoveBlockedBuffs=0x0000 # V
OP_ClearBlockedBuffs=0x0000 # C
OP_SendExpZonein=0x25ab # V
OP_SendTributes=0x0000 # V
OP_TributeInfo=0x5dd2 # V
OP_SendGuildTributes=0x0000 # C 0x5a01
OP_AAExpUpdate=0x25c5 # V
OP_ExpUpdate=0x0000 # V
OP_HPUpdate=0x07b8 # V
OP_ManaChange=0x0000 # C
OP_TGB=0x10a6 # C
OP_SpecialMesg=0x362c # V
OP_GuildMemberList=0x4053 # C
OP_GuildMOTD=0x0561 # V
OP_CharInventory=0x786e # V
OP_WearChange=0x1ad3 # V
OP_ClientUpdate=0x455d # V
OP_ClientReady=0x0000 # V
OP_SetServerFilter=0x5b27 # V

# Guild Opcodes
OP_GetGuildMOTD=0x0000 # C
OP_GetGuildMOTDReply=0x0000 # C
OP_GuildMemberUpdate=0x0000 # C
OP_GuildInvite=0x5f8e # C
OP_GuildRemove=0x296d # C
OP_GuildPeace=0x0000 # C
OP_SetGuildMOTD=0x44d0 # C
OP_GuildList=0x0000 # C
OP_GuildWar=0x0000 # C
OP_GuildLeader=0x0000 # C
OP_GuildDelete=0x241b # C
OP_GuildInviteAccept=0x78a5 # C
OP_GuildDemote=0x0000 # C
OP_GuildPublicNote=0x3c2c # C
OP_GuildManageBanker=0x0000 # C
OP_GuildBank=0x1cbf # C
OP_SetGuildRank=0x3599 # C
OP_GuildUpdateURLAndChannel=0x0000 # C
OP_GuildMemberLevelUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_ZoneGuildList=0x0000 #
OP_GetGuildsList=0x0000 #
OP_GuildStatus=0x25a5 #
OP_GuildCreate=0x0000 #
OP_LFGuild=0x0000 #
# OP_GuildManageRemove=0x0000 #
# OP_GuildManageAdd=0x0000 #
# OP_GuildManageStatus=0x0000 #

# GM/guide opcodes
OP_GMServers=0x2612 # C
OP_GMBecomeNPC=0x0000 # C
OP_GMZoneRequest=0x3912 # C
OP_GMZoneRequest2=0x65d6 # C
OP_GMGoto=0x0345 # C
OP_GMSearchCorpse=0x0000 # C
OP_GMHideMe=0x0000 # C
OP_GMDelCorpse=0x6034 # C
OP_GMApproval=0x0e37 # C
OP_GMToggle=0x1276 # C 0x7566
OP_GMSummon=0x0000 # C
OP_GMEmoteZone=0x0000 # C
OP_GMEmoteWorld=0x0000 # C
OP_GMFind=0x6160 # C
OP_GMKick=0x5646 # C
OP_GMKill=0x507e # C
OP_GMNameChange=0x0000 # C
OP_GMLastName=0x0000 # C

OP_InspectAnswer=0x5794 # C
OP_BeginCast=0x17ff # C
OP_BuffFadeMsg=0x0000 # C
OP_ConsentResponse=0x0000 # C
OP_MemorizeSpell=0x0000 # C
OP_SwapSpell=0x4736 # C
OP_CastSpell=0x0000 # C
OP_Consider=0x4d8d # C
OP_FormattedMessage=0x0000 # C
OP_SimpleMessage=0x0000 # C 0x5448
OP_Buff=0x08ed # C
OP_Illusion=0x6c43 # C
OP_MoneyOnCorpse=0x1837 # C
OP_RandomReply=0x0000 # C
OP_DenyResponse=0x0000 # C
OP_SkillUpdate=0x52c6 # C
OP_GMTrainSkillConfirm=0x0000 # C
OP_RandomReq=0x59db # C
OP_Death=0x3a65 # C
OP_Bind_Wound=0x585d # C
OP_GMTraining=0x6e8f # C
OP_GMEndTraining=0x7ffe # C
OP_GMTrainSkill=0x444c # C
OP_Animation=0x5e0c # Was 0x47d3
OP_Begging=0x54ac # C
OP_Consent=0x400e # C
OP_ConsentDeny=0x0000 # C
OP_AutoFire=0x314e # C
OP_PetCommands=0x093 # C
OP_DeleteSpell=0x0000 # C
OP_Surname=0x1a87 # C
OP_ClearSurname=0x0000 # C
OP_FaceChange=0x0000 # C
OP_SenseHeading=0x0000 # C
OP_Action=0x0ea7 # C
OP_ConsiderCorpse=0x0000 # C
OP_HideCorpse=0x0000 # C 0x1842
OP_CorpseDrag=0x0000 #
OP_CorpseDrop=0x0000 #
OP_Bug=0x0c07 # C
OP_Feedback=0x45ca # C
OP_Report=0x0000 # C
OP_Damage=0x5428 # C or OP_Action2?
OP_ChannelMessage=0x33bc # C
OP_Assist=0x4cd1 # C
OP_AssistGroup=0x1d37 # C
OP_MoveCoin=0x765a # C
OP_ZonePlayerToBind=0x6f93 # C
OP_KeyRing=0x0000 # C
OP_WhoAllRequest=0x78eb # C
OP_WhoAllResponse=0x3393 # C
OP_FriendsWho=0x3dac # C
OP_ConfirmDelete=0x78e0 # V
OP_Logout=0x64bd # C
OP_Rewind=0x69d7 # C
OP_TargetCommand=0x0a # C Was 0x5f5e
OP_InspectRequest=0x23f1 # C
OP_Hide=0x0000 # C
OP_Jump=0x0000 # C
OP_Camp=0x41cd # C
OP_Emote=0x0000 # C
OP_SetRunMode=0x0000 # C
OP_BankerChange=0x0000 # C
OP_TargetMouse=0x0e25 # C 0x7bbb
OP_MobHealth=0x218d # C
OP_InitialMobHealth=0x0000 # C
OP_TargetHoTT=0x0000 # C
OP_XTargetResponse=0x0000 #
OP_XTargetRequest=0x0000 #
OP_XTargetAutoAddHaters=0x0000 #
OP_TargetBuffs=0x0000 # C
OP_BuffCreate=0x0000 # V
OP_DeleteSpawn=0x3b06 # C
OP_AutoAttack=0x0d14 # C
OP_AutoAttack2=0x0000 # C
OP_Consume=0x4692 # V
OP_MoveItem=0x62a2 # C
OP_DeleteItem=0x3eb5 # C
OP_DeleteCharge=0x2d5b # C
OP_ItemPacket=0x0000 # C
OP_ItemLinkResponse=0x0000 # C
OP_ItemLinkClick=0x0353 # C
OP_NewSpawn=0x0000 # C
OP_Track=0x0000 # C
OP_TrackTarget=0x4c42 # C
OP_TrackUnknown=0x0000 # C
OP_ClickDoor=0x7cc0 # C
OP_MoveDoor=0x5611 # C
OP_RemoveAllDoors=0x39c9 # C
OP_EnvDamage=0x52e9 # C
OP_BoardBoat=0x0000 # C
OP_Forage=0x416d # C
OP_LeaveBoat=0x0000 # C
OP_ControlBoat=0x4aa0 # C
OP_SafeFallSuccess=0x0000 # C
OP_RezzComplete=0x3297 # C
OP_RezzRequest=0x521b # C
OP_RezzAnswer=0x0000 # C
OP_Shielding=0x0000 # C
OP_RequestDuel=0x0000 # C
OP_MobRename=0x0000 # C
OP_AugmentItem=0x0000 # C
OP_WeaponEquip1=0x35c3 # C
OP_WeaponEquip2=0x0000 # C
OP_WeaponUnequip2=0x0000 # C
OP_ApplyPoison=0x0000 # C
OP_Save=0x2e6f # C
OP_TestBuff=0x0000 # C
OP_CustomTitles=0x471a # C
OP_Split=0x269e # C
OP_YellForHelp=0x017 # C
OP_LoadSpellSet=0x0000 # C
OP_Bandolier=0x0000 # C
OP_PotionBelt=0x0000 # C
OP_DuelResponse=0x0dee # C
OP_DuelResponse2=0x5e04 # C
OP_SaveOnZoneReq=0x0000 # C
OP_ReadBook=0x0000 # C
OP_Dye=0x0000 # C
OP_InterruptCast=0x7470 # C
OP_AAAction=0x0000 # C
OP_LeadershipExpToggle=0x0000 # C
OP_LeadershipExpUpdate=0x0000 # C
OP_PurchaseLeadershipAA=0x0000 # C
OP_UpdateLeadershipAA=0x0000 # C
OP_MarkNPC=0x0000 # C
OP_ClearNPCMarks=0x0000 # C
OP_DoGroupLeadershipAbility=0x0000 # C
OP_GroupLeadershipAAUpdate=0x0000 # C
OP_DelegateAbility=0x0000 # C
OP_SetGroupTarget=0x0000 # C
OP_Charm=0x7118 # C
OP_Stun=0x53c0 # C
OP_SendFindableNPCs=0x34c3 # C
OP_FindPersonRequest=0x0000 # C
OP_FindPersonReply=0x0000 # C
OP_Sound=0x3cec # C
OP_PetBuffWindow=0x0000 # C
OP_LevelAppearance=0x7c4d # C
OP_Translocate=0x6f01 # C
OP_Sacrifice=0x76ab # C
OP_PopupResponse=0x0000 # C
OP_OnLevelMessage=0x0000 # C
OP_AugmentInfo=0x7812 # C
OP_Petition=0x2885 # C
OP_SomeItemPacketMaybe=0x11a0 # C
OP_PVPStats=0x0000 #
OP_PVPLeaderBoardRequest=0x0000 # C
OP_PVPLeaderBoardReply=0x0000 # C
OP_PVPLeaderBoardDetailsRequest=0x0000 # C
OP_PVPLeaderBoardDetailsReply=0x0000 # C
OP_RestState=0x0000 # C
OP_RespawnWindow=0x7f99 # C
OP_DisciplineTimer=0x0000 # C
OP_LDoNButton=0x0000 # C
OP_SetStartCity=0x0000 # C
OP_VoiceMacroIn=0x202e # C
OP_VoiceMacroOut=0x3920 # C
OP_ItemViewUnknown=0x0000 # C
OP_VetRewardsAvaliable=0x05d9 # C Mispelled?
OP_VetClaimRequest=0x0000 # C
OP_VetClaimReply=0x0000 # C
OP_CrystalCountUpdate=0x0000 # C
OP_DisciplineUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_BecomeCorpse=0x0000 #
OP_Action2=0x0000 # C OP_Damage?
OP_MobUpdate=0x6b5a # Same as OP_SpawnPositionUpdate
OP_NPCMoveUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_CameraEffect=0x5712 # V
OP_SpellEffect=0x72b6 # V
OP_RemoveNimbusEffect=0x0000 # C
OP_Weblink=0x0000 #C


# New Opcodes
OP_SpawnPositionUpdate=0x0000 # C
OP_ManaUpdate=0x6675 # C
OP_EnduranceUpdate=0x71fb # C
OP_MobManaUpdate=0x48b5 # C
OP_MobEnduranceUpdate=0x7cb5 # C

# Looting
OP_LootRequest=0x43a7 # C
OP_EndLootRequest=0x3d8c # C
OP_LootItem=0x515b # C
OP_LootComplete=0x256d # C

# bazaar trader stuff stuff:
OP_BazaarSearch=0x0000 # C
OP_TraderDelItem=0x0000 # C
OP_BecomeTrader=0x74bc # C
OP_TraderShop=0x0000 # C
OP_Trader=0x0000 # C
OP_TraderBuy=0x0000 # C
OP_Barter=0x0000 # C
OP_ShopItem=0x0000 #
OP_BazaarInspect=0x0000 #
OP_Bazaar=0x0000 #
OP_TraderItemUpdate=0x0000 #

# pc/npc trading
OP_TradeRequest=0x0000 # C
OP_TradeAcceptClick=0x13db # C
OP_TradeRequestAck=0x6852 # C
OP_TradeCoins=0x584d # C
OP_FinishTrade=0x3fbf # C
OP_CancelTrade=0x0234 # C
OP_TradeMoneyUpdate=0x65f6 # C
OP_MoneyUpdate=0x6e42 # C
OP_TradeBusy=0x0000 # C

# Sent after canceling trade or after closing tradeskill object
OP_FinishWindow=0x1939 # C
OP_FinishWindow2=0x0000 # C

# Sent on Live for what seems to be item existance verification
# Ex. Before Right Click Effect happens from items
OP_ItemVerifyRequest=0x0000 # C
OP_ItemVerifyReply=0x0000 # C

# merchant crap
OP_ShopPlayerSell=0x6b4d # C
OP_ShopRequest=0x16ba # C
OP_ShopEnd=0x0000 # C
OP_ShopEndConfirm=0x1860 # C
OP_ShopPlayerBuy=0x3bab # C
OP_ShopDelItem=0x0000 # C

# tradeskill stuff:
OP_ClickObject=0x7992 # V
OP_ClickObjectAction=0x0000 # V
OP_ClearObject=0x2ead # C
OP_RecipeDetails=0x0000 # C
OP_RecipesFavorite=0x0000 # C
OP_RecipesSearch=0x0000 # C
OP_RecipeReply=0x0000 # C
OP_RecipeAutoCombine=0x0000 # C
OP_TradeSkillCombine=0x7447 # C

# Tribute Packets:
OP_OpenGuildTributeMaster=0x0000 # C
OP_OpenTributeMaster=0x0000 # C
OP_SelectTribute=0x0000 # C
OP_TributeItem=0x0000 # C
OP_TributeMoney=0x0000 # C
OP_TributeToggle=0x0000 # C
OP_TributePointUpdate=0x0000 # C
OP_TributeNPC=0x0000 #
OP_GuildTributeInfo=0x0000 #
OP_OpenTributeReply=0x0000 #
# OP_GuildTributeStatus=0x0000 #

# Adventure packets:
OP_LeaveAdventure=0x0000 # C
OP_AdventureFinish=0x0000 # C
OP_AdventureInfoRequest=0x0000 # C
OP_AdventureInfo=0x0000 # C
OP_AdventureRequest=0x0000 # C
OP_AdventureDetails=0x0000 # C
OP_AdventureData=0x0000 # C
OP_AdventureUpdate=0x0000 # C
OP_AdventureMerchantRequest=0x0000 # C
OP_AdventureMerchantResponse=0x0000 # C
OP_AdventureMerchantPurchase=0x0000 # C
OP_AdventureMerchantSell=0x0000 # C
OP_AdventurePointsUpdate=0x0000 # C
OP_AdventureStatsRequest=0x0000 # C
OP_AdventureStatsReply=0x0000 # C
OP_AdventureLeaderboardRequest=0x0000 # C
OP_AdventureLeaderboardReply=0x0000 # C

# Group Opcodes
OP_GroupDisband=0x1ed0 # C
OP_GroupInvite=0x1602 # C
OP_GroupFollow=0x2789 # C
OP_GroupUpdate=0x0000 # C
OP_GroupUpdateB=0x0000 # C
OP_GroupCancelInvite=0x0000 # C - Same as OP_CancelInvite?
OP_GroupAcknowledge=0x0000 # C
OP_GroupDelete=0x0000 #
OP_CancelInvite=0x0000 # C
OP_GroupFollow2=0x0000 # C
OP_GroupInvite2=0x0000 # C
OP_GroupDisbandYou=0x0000 # C
OP_GroupDisbandOther=0x0000 # C
OP_GroupLeaderChange=0x0000 # C
OP_GroupRoles=0x0000 # C

# LFG/LFP Opcodes
OP_LFGCommand=0x0000 # C
OP_LFGGetMatchesRequest=0x0000 # C
OP_LFGGetMatchesResponse=0x0000 # C
OP_LFPGetMatchesRequest=0x0000 # C
OP_LFPGetMatchesResponse=0x0000 # C
OP_LFPCommand=0x0000 # C
OP_LFGAppearance=0x0000 #
OP_LFGResponse=0x0000 #

# Raid Opcodes
OP_RaidInvite=0x0000 # C
OP_RaidUpdate=0x0000 # C
OP_RaidJoin=0x0000 #

# Button-push commands
OP_Taunt=0x0af6 # C
OP_CombatAbility=0x6e4c # C
OP_SenseTraps=0x0000 # C
OP_PickPocket=0x047b # C
OP_DisarmTraps=0x0000 #
OP_Disarm=0x70a9 # C
OP_Sneak=0x0000 # C
OP_Fishing=0x0000 # C
OP_InstillDoubt=0x0000 # C
OP_FeignDeath=0x677d # C
OP_Mend=0x0000 # C
OP_LDoNOpen=0x0000 # C

# Task packets
OP_TaskActivityComplete=0x0000 # C
OP_TaskMemberList=0x0000 # C
OP_OpenNewTasksWindow=0x0000 # C
OP_AvaliableTask=0x0000 # C Mispelled?
OP_AcceptNewTask=0x0000 # C
OP_TaskHistoryRequest=0x6cf6 # C
OP_TaskHistoryReply=0x25eb # C
OP_CancelTask=0x0c7f # C
OP_DeclineAllTasks=0x0000 #

# Title opcodes
OP_NewTitlesAvailable=0x45d1 # C
OP_RequestTitles=0x1b5a # C
OP_SendTitleList=0x0d64 # C
OP_SetTitle=0x0bfc # C
OP_SetTitleReply=0x7e20 # C

# mail opcodes
OP_Command=0x0000 #
OP_MailboxHeader=0x0000 #
OP_MailHeader=0x0000 #
OP_MailBody=0x0000 #
OP_NewMail=0x0000 #
OP_SentConfirm=0x0000 #

# # # # # # # # # # # Below this point should not be needed # # # # # # # # # # #

# This section are all unknown in Titanium
OP_ForceFindPerson=0x0000 #
OP_LocInfo=0x0000 #
OP_ReloadUI=0x0000 #
OP_ItemName=0x0000 #
OP_ItemLinkText=0x0000 #
OP_MultiLineMsg=0x0000 #
OP_MendHPUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_TargetReject=0x0000 #
OP_SafePoint=0x0000 #
OP_ApproveZone=0x0000 #
OP_ZoneComplete=0x0000 #
OP_ClientError=0x0000 #
OP_DumpName=0x0000 #
OP_Heartbeat=0x0000 #
OP_CrashDump=0x0000 #
OP_LoginComplete=0x0000 #

# discovered opcodes not yet used:
OP_PickLockSuccess=0x0000 #
OP_PlayMP3=0x0000 #
OP_ReclaimCrystals=0x0000 #
OP_DynamicWall=0x0000 #
OP_OpenDiscordMerchant=0x0000 #
OP_DiscordMerchantInventory=0x0000 #
OP_GiveMoney=0x0000 #
OP_RequestKnowledgeBase=0x0000 #
OP_KnowledgeBase=0x0000 #
OP_SlashAdventure=0x0000 # /adventure
OP_BecomePVPPrompt=0x0000 #
OP_MoveLogRequest=0x0000 # gone I think
OP_MoveLogDisregard=0x0000 # gone I think

# named unknowns, to make looking for real unknown easier
OP_AnnoyingZoneUnknown=0x0000 #
OP_Some6ByteHPUpdate=0x0000 # seems to happen when you target group members
OP_QueryResponseThing=0x0000 #

# realityincarnate: these are just here to stop annoying several thousand byte packet dumps
#OP_LoginUnknown1=0x46d3 # U OP_SendSpellChecksum
#OP_LoginUnknown2=0x040b # U OP_SendSkillCapsChecksum

# Petition Opcodes
OP_PetitionSearch=0x0000 # search term for petition
OP_PetitionSearchResults=0x0000 # (list of?) matches from search
OP_PetitionSearchText=0x0000 # text results of search

OP_PetitionUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionCheckout=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionCheckIn=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionQue=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionUnCheckout=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionDelete=0x0000 #
OP_DeletePetition=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionResolve=0x0000 #
OP_PDeletePetition=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionBug=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionRefresh=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionCheckout2=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionViewPetition=0x0000 #

# Login opcodes
OP_SessionReady=0x0000 #
OP_Login=0x0000 #
OP_ServerListRequest=0x0000 #
OP_PlayEverquestRequest=0x0000 #
OP_PlayEverquestResponse=0x0000 #
OP_ChatMessage=0x0000 #
OP_LoginAccepted=0x0000 #
OP_ServerListResponse=0x0000 #
OP_Poll=0x0000 #
OP_EnterChat=0x0000 #
OP_PollResponse=0x0000 #

# raw opcodes
OP_RAWSessionRequest=0x0000 #
OP_RAWSessionResponse=0x0000 #
OP_RAWCombined=0x0000 #
OP_RAWSessionDisconnect=0x0000 #
OP_RAWKeepAlive=0x0000 #
OP_RAWSessionStatRequest=0x0000 #
OP_RAWSessionStatResponse=0x0000 #
OP_RAWPacket=0x0000 #
OP_RAWFragment=0x0000 #
OP_RAWOutOfOrderAck=0x0000 #
OP_RAWAck=0x0000 #
OP_RAWAppCombined=0x0000 #
OP_RAWOutOfSession=0x0000 #

# we need to document the differences between these packets to make identifying them easier
OP_Some3ByteHPUpdate=0x0000 # initial HP update for mobs
OP_InitialHPUpdate=0x0000 #
Until the new RoA files are added, I just enabled the VoA client registration in the common/patches/patches.cpp file and put the opcodes in the patch_VoA.conf file. I will probably try to get the new RoF files on the SVN tonight so others can start helping if they want.

I am thinking of just renaming the VoA files all to RoF, since the VoA client was never very functional, and yet it already has some progress toward a newer client.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
Everquest Emulator FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Read It!

Last edited by trevius; 12-14-2012 at 06:22 PM..
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