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Old 03-31-2018, 05:07 AM
c0ncrete's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 719

PURPOSE: List all Proving Grounds spawn group entries with a combined chance of less or greater than 100%,

SELECT                                  -- SELECT indicates these are the fields we want AS zone_sn,                   -- zone shortname from spawn2 (aliased)
  s2.spawngroupID AS spawngroup_id,     -- spawngroupID field from spawn2 table (aliased)
  SUM(se.chance) AS spawn_chance        -- sum of all chance field from spawnentry table (aliased)
FROM                                    -- FROM lists tables to look for fields in
  spawn2 AS s2,                         -- s2 is now shorthand for spawn2 table
  spawnentry AS se,                     -- se is now shorthand for spawnentry table
  npc_types AS nt                       -- nt is now shorthand for npc_types table
WHERE                                   -- WHERE is how we filter results
  (                                     -- group similar conditions in parentheses
    zone LIKE "chambers%" OR            -- zone short name matches chambers* OR
    zone = 'provinggrounds'             -- zone short name is 'provinggrounds'
  ) AND                                 -- end of grouping
  se.spawngroupID = s2.spawngroupID AND -- match spawngroup_id in spawnentry and spawn2
  se.npcID = AND                  -- match npc_id in spawnentry and npc_types
  s2.enabled = 1                        -- spawn2 entry enabled
GROUP BY                                -- indicates we're looking at aggregate data
  spawngroup_id                         -- the field we're calculating via SUM in SELECT
HAVING                                  -- HAVING is used for filtering aggregate functions
  spawn_chance <> 100                   -- data filter (anything not 100%)
ORDER BY                                -- sort by these columns
  zone_sn,                              -- in order listed
  spawngroup_id;                        -- so it's easier to make sense of the data returned
| zone_sn        | spawngroup_id | spawn_chance |
| chambersa      |        259467 |          200 |
| chamberse      |        259477 |          200 |
| chambersf      |        259482 |          200 |
| provinggrounds |         43688 |          200 |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
I muck about @ The Forge.
say(rand 99>49?'try '.('0x'.join '',map{unpack 'H*',chr rand 256}1..2):'incoherent nonsense')while our $Noport=1;
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