Thread: lag problems
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Old 12-07-2019, 12:04 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 4

Thanks again Uleat.

So after a bit of experimenting here's some notes:

I've been compiling with the Build Zlib flag set in cmake, so I didn't actually need or use a zlib1.dll in the folder - not sure what that means, shouldn't it compile with zlib with multithreaded mode in that case or is it not configured for that in cmake?

I can untick the build with zlib, in which case I do need the zlib1.dll in the folder to run it, however I've been compiling in 64bit mode so the x86 zlib1.dll from the installer doesn't work with it. However I can just compile a x86 version instead and use the zlib1.dll which is what I'll try next, at least then I know for sure is is using the right zlib then.
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