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Old 10-27-2007, 10:16 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 248

they must have changed some of that stuff.

from what i remember (this goes back to about 1 year after ldon went live, when i retired from eq).

if you camped out, and came back in after the timer expired, you were placed into a "faked" instance. no mobs, no traps, no chests, no nothing.

similar if you died and logged out or went LD. you were placed into a "faked" instance where you could run up and loot your body, but there were no chests, mobs, traps, or anything. just an empty instance with your corpse.

also, if the timer expired, it was extended by 30min and you were able to complete the quest for a reduced bounty (it was usually something like 20-30% of the points you got if you succeeded).

for "kill the boss" or "rescue the friend" quests, the target mob wasn't spawned until about 60% of the zone was cleared. this prevented an exploit early on where people would invis/pacify/feign-flop upto the boss and gank them or avoid wrong turns on the rescue mission.

hope this helps.

== sfisque
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