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Old 03-22-2017, 02:13 AM
Uleat's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 2,815

IIRC, I dropped the 'value' column in the newer table..and since it doesn't exist if the older table doesn't, the query errors out.

What I should do is just replace:
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `bot_spell_casting_chances` LIKE 'value'
..with an `information_schema` table check for that column and it shouldn't error out due to the table not being there.

SHOW COLUMNS is convenient to use..but, it doesn't play well when the table doesn't exist...

EDIT: Lol! I wish I had learned it 20 years ago..I was too busy loading 500/2000 pound munitions on F-15s/16s
Uleat of Bertoxxulous

Compilin' Dirty
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