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Old 01-30-2018, 11:53 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: NorthEast
Posts: 115


Well I'm almost all the way solved now. .. I did a lot of testing and found the issue to be centered around login.ini

See at work I can end up on multiple subnets depending on where I jack in.

If my login.ini was specific.
W.X.Y.Z -- the client can only connect from W.X.Y.Z

If I get less specific: W.X.Y. (notice no entry in last octet)
Then clients can be anything from W.X.Y.1-254

So, we have a big network I just went with W. (no following octects) now I can connect from anywhere inside our internal network.

so adjusting local_network = **** was the issue for me.

So when I would like to have clients access from outside the router (hosting a server) I may need to specifiy the outside router address..

Seems to me there should be a remote_network setting in the login.ini file to help us get that.

local_network = 192.168.1. (all clients on - or whatever
remote_network= allows the clients to connect from outside the router (assuming router is port forwarding)

this used to be done inside the xml ??

hope this helps others?

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